Tag Archives: health risks

this day in the yesteryear: Ireland Bans Smoking in All Public Places (2004)

Ireland Bans Smoking in All Public Places (2004)

In the latter part of the 20th century, research on the health risks of secondhand tobacco smoke spurred legislative bodies throughout the world to consider smoking bans. On March 29, 2004, Ireland became the first country to implement a nationwide ban on smoking in public places, including all enclosed workplaces. Many nations have since followed with similar legislation. Which Pope instituted the first known public smoking ban in 1590 by threatening smokers with excommunication? More… Discuss


Food Packaging Health Fears—Legitimate or Alarmist?

A group of scientists is calling for an investigation into the health risks of the thousands of chemicals in food packaging, saying little is understood about their effects on the body. They note that the known carcinogen formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of plastic bottles and cutlery and express concerns that it and chemicals like it could be leaching into our food. Critics maintain that the fact that few adverse health effects have thus far been identified suggests that the risks are modest at worst. Further, they note that the quantity of formaldehyde in plastic bottles pales in comparison to the amount that is naturally present in fruits and vegetables. More… Discuss


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