Tag Archives: sir robert walpole



An MRE—or Meal, Ready-to-Eat—is a complete, self-contained field ration provided to members of the US military. MREs are carefully developed to provide enough calories for soldiers in the field and may include condiments, utensils, and matches. They are lightweight and capable of withstanding a parachute drop. Today, MREs come in 24 varieties, some of which are reportedly more palatable than others—inspiring such nicknames as “Meals, Rarely Edible.” What is the shelf life of an MRE? More… Discuss



The Kit-Cat Club

The Kit-Cat Club was an association of some of the best young writers and most prominent Whig politicians in early 18th-century London. Among the roughly four dozen members were figures such as Sir Robert Walpole, William Congreve, and Joseph Addison, in addition to a number of dukes. They first met in the tavern of Christopher Catling, whose mutton pies were called kit-cats. In its time, the club was well known for drinking toasts to notable women of the day. Who were some of those honored? More…Discuss