This day in the Yesteryear: STAR TREK PREMIERS (1966) Motto: “to boldly go where no man has gone before,”


Star Trek Premiers (1966)

Though the original Star Trek series was cancelled in its third season, the groundbreaking show—in which William Shatner‘s memorable Captain Kirk leads the crew of the starship Enterprise—developed a cult following of “Trekkies.” Over the next four decades, the influential science-fiction franchise spawned five more Star Trek series, more than 10 feature films, and myriad conventions. Its motto, “to boldly go where no man has gone before,” may have been partially copied from what source? More… Discuss



12 responses to “This day in the Yesteryear: STAR TREK PREMIERS (1966) Motto: “to boldly go where no man has gone before,”

  1. Pingback: Shields up! «

  2. I don’t know where the motto might have been partially copied from ( and please let me know. I am curious.) but not only do I love the originals, the memories the words Star Trek evoke are priceless! Thanks for that :-). P.S. I’ll fill you in sometime. And I hope you don’t go to my spam again! This is becoming a habit. What the heck?!?!!


  3. Windom was among the strongest guest-stars the original series ever had. Sure, he had his moments that were a bit … overplayed … but most of his performance is subtle and heartbreaking.


    • I guess so, but still if you compare the Planet of the Apes (even now it gives me goosebumps thinking of that monologue!), StarTrek was much lighter (by the way I liberated you from my spam box: Aren’t you glad I comb it regularly?)

      Thanks for visiting, I hope you make a habit of it!


    • I do too! Still I believe that it did not have a message of peace and tranquility, (such as Planet of the Apes!) Shoulder to shoulder the second one is more valuable to the human race (if it was to survive): I think they were courageous to state the things they did! Thanks for the feedback, it is a valuable food for thought!


  4. I love star trek!!!


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