‘Lava Surf by Moonlight’ – Oil Painting(My Art Collection)

'Lava Surf by Moonlight' (My Art Collection)

‘Lava Surf by Moonlight’ -Oil Painting (My Art Collection)

13 responses to “‘Lava Surf by Moonlight’ – Oil Painting(My Art Collection)

  1. Very cool!! And when it comes to the ocean, ashamed to say that I live surrounded by ocean and yet I know not how to surf xD.


    • Learn Before they find out how much it’s really worth (remember the commercial? It applies here!)

      Get a little camera and do video while surfing…Just use the appropriate amount of SP (75 and up)


      • Hmm…I’m a bit too uncoordinated I’m afraid =P…instead of two left feet I may have three xD. But no matter what yes! always use lots of skin protection =).


      • Well…that’s why you take lessons, and by the way: if you check out some of my last surfers here at Huntington Beach, you’ll see very clearly that they use both feet…and sometimes a hand….Boy, do I like that! Really cool!


      • Once a friend tried to teach me to ride a skateboard and that didn’t go well…just a lot of me screaming and then I fell xD! Oh by the way that was him screaming….’my skateboard!!’ =O as it flew away!!


      • Funny…. You may wanna try Kayaking….a-la-Thomas!, even though for the life of me, I can’t believe they were not using lanyard cord (that episode when he spends more than 24 hours in the in the ocean, after being thrown from the paddle-board…And no life vest either!
        can you believe that (your answer “no way X 2) 🙂


      • Oh no kayaking frightens me too…like I’m thinking it’ll flip over or something. I’m one of those sand dwellers when it comes to the beach =D.


      • I did a little skiff, in my teen years…Almost hit a little tour boat, on this lake we have in Bucharest “Herastrau”, but Kayaking I did enjoy…Of course the same lake. Sand dweller, you say, I say count me in. We used to camp on the beach..and i’ll leave it there… at least a month, at the Black Sea, It was wonderful, with communism and all, still just wonderful…Several times the sea became phosphorescent at night, a week at a time, and swimming in it was out of this world.


      • Did you enjoy ELO, I thought you would!


      • Whenever I hear ELO I think of Xanadu! My parents had that album and I would listen to it all the time, they have such a unique sound and their vocals are so great!


      • It’s one of my favorites (still is!) Funny how we hold to memories!


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