Tag Archives: Garry Kasparov

this day in the yesteryear: Kasparov Beats Deep Blue (1996)

Kasparov Beats Deep Blue (1996)

Garry Kasparov is a chess grandmaster and one of the strongest players in history. He was the youngest person to become the World Chess Federation’s World Chess Champion, a title he held from 1985 until 1993. In 1996, Kasparov played against a super-computer called “Deep Blue,” which was capable of evaluating 100 billion positions each turn. He lost the first game, but rebounded in the next five games to beat the machine. What happened when Kasparov faced the computer in a rematch a year later? More… Discuss

Today’s Birthday: Bobby Fisher (1943-2008)

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Today’s Birthday

Bobby Fischer (1943)

Fischer was a chess legend who, at the age of 15, became the youngest grandmaster in history at that time. In 1970 and 1971, he won an unprecedented 20 straight games to qualify to challenge Boris Spassky for the world championship. He then beat Spassky, becoming the only American world titlist and winning the lion’s share of the $250,000 prize fund that was then the largest purse offered in any sport outside boxing. Afterward, Fischer did not publicly play another game of chess until what year?…
 Read more about Bobby’s life and at: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Bobby+Fischer