Tag Archives: Horseshoe Falls

ARTICLE: Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a set of three spectacular waterfalls located on the US-Canadian border. The Horseshoe Falls, American Falls, and Bridal Veil Falls are renowned for their beauty, and Niagara Falls as a whole is both a valuable source of hydroelectric power and a challenging project for environmental preservation. It is also a popular site for daredevils. In 1901, Annie Edson Taylor became the first person to go over the falls in a barrel. She survived and had what to say about the experience? More… Discuss

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This Day In the Yesteryear: DAREDEVIL SAM PATCH’S FINAL, FATAL STUNT (1829)



Daredevil Sam Patch’s Final, Fatal Stunt (1829)

Patch, a one-time mill worker, made a name for himself as a stunt diver in the late 1920s, most famously by leaping from a 125-ft (38-m) ladder into the Niagara River near the base of Niagara Falls not once but twice. Less than a month later, he made another 125-ft jump, ironically billed as “Sam’s Last Jump,” this time into the Genesee River. With thousands watching, the daredevil leapt to his death. In his first Genesee stunt the week before, what did Patch send over the ledge before jumping? More… Discuss