Tag Archives: indifference



Definition: (verb) Arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness.
Synonyms: alienateestrange
Usage: She loved him, but the sweaty gym clothes he left behind every time he borrowed her car began to seriously disaffect her.Discuss.

Our Silence, poetic thought by George-B

Our Silence, poetic thought by George-B

Our silence is shouting louder
than a hurricane,
the sea at war with the wins,
the jet in take off and  landing,
louder than the cricket in the middle of the hot sleepless night;

We got to stop this deafening silent tag of indifference, 
the lack of verbal solution, this sacrilegious introversion..

I think we both know what our silence is all about
we never talk, we just go walk dark we just go silent…