Tag Archives: mario sironi

Ottorino Respighi: Metamorphoseon modi XII (P. 169) (1930)

Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936): Metamorphoseon modi XII, Tema e Variazioni per orchestra (P. 169) (1930) — Philharmonia Orchestra diretta da Geoffrey Simon —

I. Tema (Andante moderato)
II. Modus I (Moderato non troppo)
III. Modus II (Allegretto)
IV. Modus III (Lento)
V. Modus IV (Lento espressivo)
VI. Modus V (Molto vivace)
VII. Modus VI (Vivace)
VIII. Modus VII (Cadenza)
IX. Modus VIII (Andantino mosso)
X. Modus IX (Lento non troppo)
XI. Modus X (Molto allegro)
XII. Modus XI (Molto allegro)
XIII. Modus XII (Vivo non troppo)

— painting by Mario Sironi

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  ”  Among Italian composers of the twentieth century historian, Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936) is surely what he had and has less need of external pressures, festival promotions, conferences and opportunities to find the one monographic dissemination, fortune and fame to international ‘author of three symphonic poems Roman smiled almost immediately, on the basis of chopsticks which Toscanini , De Sabata and Karajan day before yesterday or yesterday, Maazel , Muti , or Sinopoli today.  “
  Alberto Cantù , Respighi composer , Turin, Eda, 1985 )

Ottorino Respighi

Mario Sironi

Mario Sironi   (click on Picture to access the art gallery at wikipaintings)

Winter Night (a poetic thought by George-B)

And then there was no sound to be heard
while the light dimmed –
behind the  darkness only few impressions survived…

An owl  attacked, and a mouse gave the last cry…

A handful of wind combed the plane of the leaves,
the plane of the air behind the branches:
The ripple in the still surface of the pond 
froze then, as if touched by a spell:

‘There will be no Spring in sight, not anytime  soon!’