Tag Archives: rolls royce automobile

Today’s Birthday: Charles Stewart Rolls (1877) (the Rolls-Royce Guy)

Charles Stewart Rolls (1877)


English: “Photograph of the Hon. C.S. Rolls’ autocar with HRH The Duke of York, Lord Llangattock father, Sir Charles Cust and the Hon. C.S. Rolls as occupants”, taken by John Howard Preston. Charles Stewart Rolls went on to co-found Rolls-Royce in 1904. The photograph shows ‘The Hendre’, the family’s gothic mansion in Monmouthshire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A member of the British aristocracy, Rolls developed an interest in engines and cars while studying at Cambridge. He became the first person there to have a car—a Peugeot—and, in 1902, he went into the automobile sales business. Striking a deal with manufacturer Frederick Royce in 1906, he co-founded the Rolls-Royce automobile company, which quickly earned a reputation for its engineering. In 1910, at the age of 32, Rolls became the first Briton to die in what unusual way? More… Discuss