Tag Archives: Virtual tour

GoogleArtProject: Access here and from the new euzicasa WIDGET – take a virtual museum tour today

Google Cultural Institute_ Virtual Art Museums tours
Click here to access and select a virtual museum tour

Tate Britain: Want To Visit? Let’s Go Now! (Thanks Google)

So, Hi Again: I don’t think you need a guided tour in the galleries  of this Museum: Just don’t touch anything, and of course you know where the lavatories are. Otherwise…You’re pretty much on your own.

Advantages Of A Virtual Tour Include:

  • No airfare
  • Free access
  • No lines,  no opening and closing hours, or loudspeaker reminders.
  •  Smoking, drinking, and eating…Are allowed, anywhere during the virtual tour (except as deemed by the owner/operator of the computer room facility you’re visiting from, if you are in a public library, or classroom, etc.)

So I guess, I’ll see you around!
Enjoy your unguided virtual tour of the Tate Britain Museum! 

Visit the Smithsonian: Now!

I have been wanting to visit the Smithsonian for many years now. I never got around though, so I decided to, at least take the virtual tour. It is fascinating what imagination can accomplish.

Are you coming?

Palace of Versailles: Virtual Tour: Thanks to Google Art Project… Let’s Go!


Marie-Antoinette_Painting_Pallace_Versailles_Tour (click on the Picture to start your tour)

I hope you’ll enjoy your virtual tour, as much as I did. You can save your link, as a portal to the Google Art Project and visit more  famous museums and their art galleries.