Fukushima News 10/23/13: Fukushima Workers “We Hide Accidents”; Typhoon Threat Panics Tepco

Fukushima News 10/23/13: Fukushima Workers “We Hide Accidents”; Typhoon Threat Panics Tepco
Fukushima Workers Speak Out: We hide accidents at plant — CNN: Health is suffering — CBS: Radioactive materials “just pour right in” after cleanup (VIDEOS)

Fukushima plant struggles with typhoon threat
The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is racing to secure storage space for tainted rainwater as another powerful typhoon approaches.
Tokyo Electric Power Company has begun moving the rainwater into underground pools once deemed too leaky. The water is the result of typhoons and downpours that have filled barriers around radioactive waste water tanks.
TEPCO has been storing the most contaminated rainwater in tanks and in the basement of a turbine building. But with Typhoon Francisco set to hit Japan’s mainland over the weekend, the tanks are full.
Japan’s nuclear regulator has approved moving the tainted water to 3 underground pools. The pools have a total capacity of about 9,000 tons.
TEPCO stopped using the pools after similar models leaked in April. The utility now says it no other option but to use them.
The utility also says it found 140,000 becquerels per liter of Beta-ray emitting radioactivity in an onsite ditch on Wednesday. The radioactivity has doubled since the previous day. TEPCO says it is transferring the contaminated water to a tank.

NRA chief to meet TEPCO head on nuclear safety
Officials from Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority have criticized a report submitted by Tokyo Electric Power Company on safety measures at its nuclear plants.
The NRA met on Wednesday after TEPCO submitted the report to the authority on Tuesday of last week.
The report outlines the measures TEPCO is taking to prevent radioactive water leaks and other problems at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant. In the report, TEPCO also says it is capable of safely managing 2 reactors at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in Niigata Prefecture. The utility has plans to restart the reactors.

Japan pursuing new nuclear disposal technology
The Japanese government plans to develop new technology that would cut the environmental impact of highly radioactive waste from nuclear power plants.
The waste is believed to have an impact on the environment that lasts tens of thousands of years. The government’s current plan involves burying it deep underground. But officials have yet to choose a site due to safety concerns.

Fukushima readies for dangerous operation to remove 400 tons of spent fuel


Scientific Reports: It’s “remarkable” where plutonium from Fukushima reactor is suspected to have been found — “Even more unexpected” that it’s located outside main strip of contamination — Need to assess consequences for public of a release of plutonium-rich hot particles (PHOTO)

Tepco’s Typhoon measures to prevent contaminated water overflowing entirely messed up

Tepco discharged “rainwater” of 2 tank area dams again / Not even a Typhoon weather

Back-up tanks of 4,000 tonnes are already nearly full with two more Typhoons coming

Japan Mulls Plan for One Operator to Run All Reactors: Energy

How Accurate Are The Instruments in Nuclear Reactors?

Candu looks overseas after Ontario nixes new nuclear plants

The News That Matters about the Nuclear Industry



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5 responses to “Fukushima News 10/23/13: Fukushima Workers “We Hide Accidents”; Typhoon Threat Panics Tepco

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