Trump to Ask Foreign Govts. to Investigate Clinton Foundation Donations

Trump to Ask Foreign Govts. to Investigate Clinton Foundation Donations

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President-elect Donald Trump’s administration is attempting to persuade foreign governments to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s finances.

According to a source close to Trump’s transition team, the new administration will specifically encourage governments in Haiti and Colombia to investigate the foundation’s financial dealings, the New York Post reported.

Trump said he will not pursue charges against former Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state, but he did not mention anything about urging foreign governments to look into the foundation.

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“Haiti and Colombia will be key diplomatic posts for this ­because of all the money ­involved,” the source said.

Leaked emails allegedly showed that applicants with ties to theClinton Foundation were given priority when receiving federal funds after an earthquake struck Haiti several years ago, according to the U.K. Independent.

In addition, a Colombian mining tycoon reportedly benefited from the foundation’s work.

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Donations to the foundation have dropped by 37 percent in the last year, after the allegations that Clinton used the charity to solicit million-dollar donations in exchange for favorable treatment while she was secretary of state, Breitbart reported.

It gets worse for the foundation. Earlier this month, Norway reduced its annual donations by 87 percent, as reported by the Hegnar newspaper. Australia also jumped ship and went from donating $88 million to nothing.

Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, is still pursuing an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Earlier in the month, he said Clinton’s loss would not affect the investigation, adding that an investigation into the former secretary’s email server is separate from the Clinton Foundation probe.

Clinton might think that since Trump said he wouldn’t press charges that she was off the hook, but that would be a mistake. It looks like he’s inviting others to go after her.

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