Daily Archives: March 28, 2019

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Horoscope ♉: 03/28/2019

Horoscope ♉:

Things may be coming to a dramatic climax for you, Taurus. It may seem like everything is working against you. Take note that this is an excellent time to find balance and gain a much greater perspective on the issues in your life. If you’re trying to figure out where your heart and brain are hiding, you should look on the opposite side of the world. They’re over there discussing things together.: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Today’s Holiday: Borrowed Days

Today’s Holiday:
Borrowed Days

According to an old Scottish rhyme, the last three days in March were “borrowed” from April, in return for which March promised to destroy three young sheep. Other references go back even further. Both an ancient calendar of the Church of Rome and a 1548 book known as The Complaynt of Scotland allude to the days at the end of March as being more like winter than spring. Whatever their origin, it seems likely that the wet, windy weather that so often comes at the end of March gave rise to the notion that this month had to “borrow” some additional time. More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Today’s Birthday: Ernst Jünger (1895)

Today’s Birthday:
Ernst Jünger (1895)

Early in his career, Jünger, a German writer and WWI veteran, published novels based on his army experience. Strongly influenced by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, they glorified war and its sacrifice as the greatest physical and mental stimulants. He later opposed Hitler and rejected his own militarism, expressing instead a desire for peace in his wartime diaries and in futuristic novels like On the Marble Cliffs, an allegorical attack on Nazism. What is Jünger’s best known work? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

This Day in History: Gustav III of Sweden Dies of Infected Gunshot Wound (1792)

This Day in History:
Gustav III of Sweden Dies of Infected Gunshot Wound (1792)

Gustav III was King of Sweden from 1771 to 1792. Having inherited a weakened Swedish throne, he established a new constitution that increased the crown’s power. His numerous enlightened reforms antagonized the nobility, and when a group of Swedish officers mutinied during his unpopular war on Russia, he reinstated absolute monarchy. Gustav planned to form a league of European monarchs to oppose the French Revolution, but Swedish nobles had him assassinated. Where was Gustav when he was shot? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Quote of the Day: John F. Kennedy

Quote of the Day:
John F. Kennedy

All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Article of the Day: Apiculture

Article of the Day:

Apiculture is the practice of beekeeping—the care and manipulation of honeybees to enable them to produce and store more honey than they need so that the excess can be collected. Beekeeping is one of the oldest forms of animal husbandry. Early efforts at collecting honey required destroying the hive. However, modern beekeepers are able to extract the cells of the honeycomb without damaging them. To collect honey, beekeepers need a veiled helmet for protection and a smoker, which does what? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Idiom of the Day: breathe easily

Idiom of the Day:
breathe easily

To relax. To be free from worry. Watch the video…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Word of the Day: comminute

Word of the Day:

Definition: (verb) Reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading.

Synonyms: bray, mash, crunch, grind

Usage: The chef comminuted the spices in his mortar for several minutes before sprinkling them on the chicken.: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Word of the Day: comminute

Word of the Day:

Definition: (verb) Reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading.

Synonyms: bray, mash, crunch, grind

Usage: The chef comminuted the spices in his mortar for several minutes before sprinkling them on the chicken.: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

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What do you think? https://pin.it/z7fnfonj4xtrwe

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5 Exercises to Develop Perfect Obliques

While it’s important to train your abs to strengthen your core as well as make you look more attractive, many people forget or just don’t know how to train the obliques. Obliques are actually more important than abs if you are looking for pure athleticism. Your obliques are firing when you rotate, bend and flex your trunk. These movements are all heavily used in all sports.
The obliques are found on each side of your midsection and go from the side of your abdominals up towards the last. Having well-trained obliques is not only good because of how they make you look in front of a mirror but also when you need to perform compound exercises.

This is because these muscles are responsible for keeping you balanced when doing exercises like squats so that you avoid bending too much and do the exercise in the wrong way. Simply put, whether you train for strength gains, health, or just to look good, strengthening your obliques will help you to come closer to perfection in any of these reasons.

  1. Bird Dog Crunches

How to:

Start on all fours, placing your hands flat on the ground directly beneath your shoulders, and your knees beneath your hips with a flat back position.

Engage your core and drive your right arm straight out from your shoulder, while your left leg drives straight back from your hip, keeping both parallel to the floor throughout the “reach” portion of this movement.

Squeeze your right arm and left leg back to the original starting position and hold for split second before starting the second rep.

Repeat this movement for 10 reps without setting your right arm or left back on the ground, then switch to the left arm/right leg combo.

Complete 3-4 sets of 10 reps on each side with 30 seconds rest between each set.

Beginner modification: Reach with only your arm at first. Then as you become more comfortable, reach with just your leg before you graduate to the full movement.
Related article: 13 of the Best Obliques Exercises To Compliment Your Abs For A Smoking Hot Body

  1. Single-Leg Side Plank with Leg Raise

How to:

With a mat or soft surface beneath you, lie down on your right side, stacking your feet, knees, hips and shoulders over one another in a straight line.

Prop yourself up on your right elbow and engage your right oblique and hip flexor to maintain this rigid position. Reach your left arm straight up, directly over your shoulder.

Next, lift your left leg straight up about 6-12 inches, while keeping your foot flexed directly forward.

Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, keeping your core rigid while working on “lengthening” your body throughout the entire movement.

Repeat in the same sequence on your left side. Complete 3-4 sets of 10-15 second holds on each side with 30 seconds rest between each set.

Beginner Alternative: Try a simple side plank with the top hand placed on your hip. Then work on raising your arm directly above your head. Finally, try and hold your top leg at full extension for a split second. Continue to work in this format until you can extend your leg for 10-15 seconds on each side.
Related article: 5 Plank Variations to Work More Than Just Your Abs

  1. Spiderman Crunch

How to:

Assume a push-up position, palms planted firmly on the ground.

Maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your heels by engaging your core muscles.

Lift your right leg a couple inches off the ground and bring your right knee towards your right elbow as you lower into a push-up.

Return your right leg back to the ground as you push yourself back up, and repeat on the left side

Alternate legs for 3-4 sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds rest between each set.

Beginner Alternative: Start in the push-up position and alternate lifting your feet up off the ground a few inches with a straight leg and hold each rep for a few seconds. As you make progress, start to bend your knee slightly and bring it towards your elbow.
Related article:  Rock Solid Abs & Core With These 11 Plank Variations

  1. Side Plank Swipers

How to:

Start by lying on your right side, stacking your feet, knees, hips and shoulders over one another in a straight line.

Prop yourself up on your right elbow; engage your right oblique and hip flexor to maintain this rigid position; stretch your left arm out past your head so it is in line with your body.

Keeping your left arm straight, swipe it directly over your body towards your left hip and squeeze your left side as hard as you can while holding for a split second.

Your right hip will drop slightly during this contraction phase, but try to keep the hips stacked over one another and off the ground throughout this movement.

Reach back to the original starting position and repeat for 4 additional reps before switching to your left side.

Do 3-4 sets of 5 reps per side with 30 seconds rest between each set.

Beginner Alternative: Work on a simple side plank hold while contracting the hips towards the floor and back up in a “side crunch.” Remember to try and keep the hips elevated off the floor the whole time. Then work on the arm extension portion by itself before combining the two into a full contraction.
Related article: Gain Total-Body Strength With These 17 Push-Up Variations

  1. Single-Leg Toe Touches

How to:

Lie down on your back with your legs flat against the floor and arms extended above your head.

Lift your left leg up with your foot directly over your hip and a slight knee bend.

Try to keep your left leg engaged in this position for the entire movement.

Tuck your chin towards your chest, reach your right arm towards your left foot by contracting your core and hold for a split second.

Return to the original starting position while keeping your foot and hand elevated off the ground and repeat for 4 additional reps before switching to your right leg and left arm.

Complete 3-4 sets of 5 reps per side with 30 seconds rest between sets.

Beginner Alternative: Work from the same position on your back, but bend your knee at a 90-degree angle halfway towards your chest. Touch your elbow to the opposite knee. As you become more familiar with this movement, try to progress to the full range of motion by straightening your leg a little more each workout until your foot is directly over your hip.

By Juraj Krajcik|May 8th, 2017|Categories: Abdominals Exercises, Workout Routine|Tags: Abdominal, Exercises, Obliques


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