Tag Archives: Cape Kolka

this pressed: Tiny Baltic States Prepare to Hit Back at Mighty Russia


A jet fighter from the Su-30 SM “Sokoly Rossii” (Falcons of Russia) aerobatic team performs during a show in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, October 25, 2014. Ilya Naymushin/Reuters

Earlier this month, a Russian warship entered Latvia’s exclusive economic zone, some nine nautical miles from the country’s territorial waters. Considering that Russian warships have already approached Latvian waters some 50 times this year, according to figures from Latvia’s Ministry of Defence, it was not an altogether unsurprising visit. Russian military planes, meanwhile, have come close to Latvian airspace some 200 times this year. Latvia’s defence minister Raimonds Vejonis tells Newsweek at his office in Riga, that his country is prepared should its mighty neighbour to the east decide to invade: “We have special plans of action. Working with the Ministry of Interior, we conduct exercises to train our troops and policemen for different scenarios. But of course we need more co-operation with our neighbours and our Nato allies as well.”

via Tiny Baltic States Prepare to Hit Back at Mighty Russia.