Tag Archives: cesar chavez

California missions – Los Angeles Times

California’s famed 21 missions were all built to be exactly a day’s journey apart.  

via California missions – Los Angeles Times.


***Additional images (not from The LA Times), from internet research (Yahoo)

click to enlarge


California Mission Monterey (click to enlarge)



This Day in the Yesteryear: DELANO GRAPE STRIKE BEGINS (1965)

Delano Grape Strike Begins (1965)

In late 1965, California grape workers went on strike to protest poor pay and labor conditions. Labor leader César Chávez soon took up their cause, and in 1966, he and his followers began a 340-mi (547-km) trek from Delano to the state capitol to raise awareness of the farm workers’ plight. The march began with 75 people and ended in a rally of 10,000 people on the capitol steps. Many Americans rallied to their cause and boycotted table grapes. The strike lasted five years and accomplished what? More… Discuss


Today’s Birthday: CÉSAR CHÁVEZ (1927)

César Chávez (1927)

As the child of Mexican-American migrant laborers, Chávez spent his childhood in a succession of migrant camps, attending 65 different elementary schools. After a two-year stint in the Navy, he returned to migrant farm work and, in 1962, began organizing the largely Latino farmworkers of Arizona and California. A charismatic figure, he used strikes and nationwide boycotts to win union recognition and contracts from California grape and lettuce growers. How long did the first strike last? More… Discuss