Tag Archives: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


Family Finds Unclassified Giant Jellyfish

Jellyfish are frightening enough when they’re the size of a dinner plate, so imagine coming across one that is nearly as big across as a human adult is tall! A family walking on the beach in Tasmania last month found a 5-foot (1.5-meter) jellyfish that had washed ashore. Experts have yet to classify the species, which appears to be of the lion’s mane variety. These are not the largest jellyfish known to science. Cyanea arctica, which makes its home in the waters of the North Atlantic and the Arctic, can grow to be 10 feet (3 meters) across. More… Discuss


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Royal Hobart Regatta

The Royal Hobart Regatta is an aquatic carnival that includes sailing, rowing, and swimming events, as well as fireworks and parades. It is a holiday in Tasmania, Australia, and is held on the Derwint River in early February during Australia’s summer seasonHobart is the capital of Tasmania, Australia’s southernmost state. A similar holiday in northern Tasmania is observed on the first Monday in November and is called Recreation Day. More… Discuss


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