Tag Archives: Etiquette



Had early 20th-century etiquette expert Emily Post had access to the Internet, she certainly would have had some choice words for today’s Web users—and they would not have included profanity. The idea that cussing on the Net is poor form is just one part of “netiquette“—the Internet’s informal code of manners. Typing ENTIRELY IN UPPER CASE is also generally frowned upon, as it is considered akin to shouting. A good rule of thumb is “Think before you post.” What is the Eternal September? More… Discuss


Etiquette (Casiotone for the Painfully Alone a...

Etiquette (Casiotone for the Painfully Alone album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Many areas of public life are governed by codes of etiquette, which we often follow without having to think about them. However, every culture has its own distinct systems of etiquette, so it can be difficult to know how to behave in a new place, especially when conducting business. In Japan, for example, moments of silence are a normal part of conversation, in contrast with the small talk that is expected in some other cultures. What are some other examples of etiquette throughout the world? More… Discuss

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