Tag Archives: Video game

Gaming in Small Doses Has Benefits for Kids

Gaming in Small Doses Has Benefits for Kids

The adage “Everything in moderation” appears to apply even to video games. A recent study finds that youngsters between the ages of 10 and 15 who spend an hour or less a day playing video games are better adjusted and report more satisfaction with their lives than those who do not play at all, while those who play video games for more than three hours a day are less well adjusted than their peers. More… Discuss

The Doors – L.A Woman (make music part of your life series)

The DoorsL.A Woman

They have taken the right away for me to play the audio for this video, however I am going to argue the removal because this song has been played all over by many radio stations and other online communities and YouTubers should have the right to listen to it too.

Another High Quality Music Release From OutsiderGamer

The Doors – L.A Woman – L.A. Woman 40th Anniversary – 2007

24 bits, 320 x 240, 15 fps
Lower Field First
DivX® 6.1 Codec (2 Logical CPUs)
Interleave audio for every 15 frames
PCM, 24.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo



Gaming Can Increase Social Behavior

Video games have gotten a bad rap, perhaps unfairly. Critics have blamed them for desensitizing players toviolence and for making gamers more prone to violent behavior; however, recent research suggests that role-playing games have the power to influence behavior for the better as well. College students who played five minutes of a game in which their avatar fought enemies exhibited more generous, “prosocial” behavior afterward if the avatar selected for them was a hero rather than a villain or a neutral shape. More… Discuss


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Etiquette (Casiotone for the Painfully Alone a...

Etiquette (Casiotone for the Painfully Alone album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Many areas of public life are governed by codes of etiquette, which we often follow without having to think about them. However, every culture has its own distinct systems of etiquette, so it can be difficult to know how to behave in a new place, especially when conducting business. In Japan, for example, moments of silence are a normal part of conversation, in contrast with the small talk that is expected in some other cultures. What are some other examples of etiquette throughout the world? More… Discuss

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Definition: (noun) Someone who fights for a cause.
Synonyms: championfighterhero
Usage: Like the ancient paladins, he has only undertaken this war to obtain a look from his lady love. Discuss.


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Roulette emerged in late 18th-century European casinos and has remained popular with gamblers to this day. In the game, a horizontal wheel is spun and a ball is dropped onto it. Players may bet on which of the wheel’s numbered slots the ball will come to rest in, what color the slot will be, and whether the number will be odd or even. Though roulette is ostensibly a game of chance, players have repeatedly tried to improve their odds. How did one engineer exploit the game to win $325,000 in 1873? More… Discuss