Tag Archives: Gambia


Gambia Independence Day

Gambia gained independence from Britain on February 18, 1965, and became a constitutional monarchy. On that day, people gathered in Bathurst for music, dancing, and the replacement of the Union Jack with the Gambian flag. A public vote in 1970 made the Republic of the Gambia a British Commonwealth. Independence Day is a national holiday in Gambia. More…Discuss


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This Day in the Yesteryear: MV JOOLA DISASTER IN SENEGAL (2002)

MV Joola Disaster in Senegal (2002)

Just 11 years ago, a Senegalese ferry capsized off the coast of Gambia, claiming more lives than the notoriousTitanic disaster. At least 1,863 people died in the sinking of the MV Joola, making it one of the deadliest civilian maritime disasters in history. A number of factors likely contributed to the tragedy, including bad weather, overloading—the ferry was carrying more than triple the number of passengers it was designed to hold—and a delayed rescue effort. How many survived? More… Discuss