Tag Archives: Generic drug

this pressed: For Oil and Gas Companies, Rigging Seems to Involve Wages, Too – ProPublica

The seal of the United States Department of Labor

The seal of the United States Department of Labor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For Oil and Gas Companies, Rigging Seems to Involve Wages, Too – ProPublica.

MUST Listen-Read: Podcast: How Insurers Are Charging You More for Your Generic Drugs – ProPublica

“The Affordable Care Act bans insurance companies from discriminating against patients with pre-existing conditions. But some policy experts say insurers could be doing just that by forcing people with chronic illnesses to pay more for their drugs.

ProPublica’s Charles Ornstein explains that insurers have long used a tiered pricing system to steer consumers away from expensive brand name medications. But according to a recent editorial in the American Journal of Managed Care, several prominent health plans are taking this tactic one step further and charging higher co-payments for some generic drugs.”

this pressed: Podcast: How Insurers Are Charging You More for Your Generic Drugs – ProPublica

Podcast: How Insurers Are Charging You More for Your Generic Drugs – ProPublica.

EXCERPTS:  The Affordable Care Act bans insurance companies from discriminating against patients with pre-existing conditions. But some policy experts say insurers could be doing just that by forcing people with chronic illnesses to pay more for their drugs.

ProPublica’s Charles Ornstein explains that insurers have long used a tiered pricing system to steer consumers away from expensive brand name medications. But according to a recent editorial in the American Journal of Managed Care, several prominent health plans are taking this tactic one step further and charging higher co-payments for some generic drugs.”