Tag Archives: Historical

Bone of Time, poetic thought by George-B (©Always)

Bone of Time, poetic thought by George-B (©Always)

I’m sitting in this old place
Thinking about myself,
Imagining myself being
A few years younger,
Still in the safety of the 20th
Century, one hundred years, passed now,
The safety of the memories past …
The memorialistic past, pass double dance of the safe past,
When things turned out okay, and I survived that day and
That and this, days and nights and
sometimes mornings and afternoons,
boring times extraneously boring times of nothing but boredom,
and more boredom and
sometimes the “Hi How are you?”, “Great, thanks…’n how are you?”…

Yes I’m thinking sometimes of the safety of the memories past,
of the 20th century, with more substance on the bone of time,
and less of a hatchet to grind,
with less militantism, and more substance
on the bone of humanity,
on the bone of history,
on the etherical memories of the past.