Tag Archives: LeBron James

Saint of the Day for Thursday, May 28th, 2015: Bl. Margaret Pole

Image of Bl. Margaret Pole

Bl. Margaret Pole

Martyr of England. She was born Margaret Plantagenet, the niece of Edward IV and Richard III. She married Sir Reginald Pole about 1491 and bore five sons, including Reginald Cardinal Pole. Margaret … continue reading

More Saints of the Day

All That Jazz ” Everything Old Is New Again “



Cover of "All That Jazz"

Cover of All That Jazz


All That Jazz ” Everything Old Is New Again “


All That Jazz 
Erzsébet Földi & Ann Reinking
” Everything Old Is New Again ” Peter Allen


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Sports Superstars Endorsing Less-Than-Healthy Fare

To be a top athlete, one must be in peak physical condition, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at many of the products they agree to endorse. About a quarter of the brands endorsed by the 100 top US athletes of 2010 were food and beverage companies, and a vast majority of the player-endorsed products were less than healthy. Nearly 80% of the food products were high in calories and low in nutritional value, and a whopping 93.4% of the beverages had all of their calories come from added sugar. More… Discuss