Tag Archives: Magic

word: bewitch


Definition: (verb) Cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something.
Synonyms: hex, jinx, enchant
Usage: After reading Harry Potter, I spent hours on end trying to bewitch a broomstick to fly. Discuss.



Definition: (noun) Adroitness in using the hands.
Synonyms: dexterity
Usage: Only through his unequaled sleight can the juggler manage to keep eight chainsaws safely aloft. Discuss.
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This Day in the Yesteryear: HARRY HOUDINI MAKES HIS FINAL ESCAPE (1926)

Harry Houdini Makes His Final Escape (1926)

Born Erik Weisz, Harry Houdini was an American magician and escape artist. He was famous for escaping from locks, handcuffs, straitjackets, and even sealed chests underwater, thanks to his incredible strength, agility, and skill at manipulating locks. His strength likely carried him through his last performance on October 24, 1926, while suffering from acute appendicitis. He was hospitalized and died on October 31. What strange occurrence in his dressing room contributed to his death?More…


This Day in the Yesteryear: ROY HORN OF SIEGFRIED & ROY MAULED BY TIGER (2003)

Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy Mauled by Tiger (2003)

After meeting on a cruise ship in 1959, illusionist Siegfried Fischbacher and exotic animal enthusiast Roy Horn formed a magic act and incorporated exotic animals—most famously big cats—into their shows. They performed thousands of times without major incident until 10 years ago—coincidentally Horn’s 59th birthday. It was then that Horn was bitten on the neck by a seven-year-old male tiger named Montecore during a performance. What did Horn reportedly say before being taken to the hospital? More… Discuss