Tag Archives: New York Stock Exchange

Wall Street

Wall Street

Wall Street is a narrow street in lower Manhattan, New York City, extending east from Broadway to the East River. It is the center of one of the greatest financial districts in the world. As the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange, the term “Wall Street” has come to denote US financial interests. Many New York financial firms, however, are no longer headquartered on Wall Street, but elsewhere in Manhattan, Connecticut, or New Jersey. Where did Wall Street get its name? More… Discuss

this pressed for your right to know: Things Whole Foods doesn’t want you to know

Things Whole Foods doesn’t want you to know

There are few supermarket chains that enjoy a better reputation than Whole Foods Market. With nearly 400 locations, about 60,000 employees, and almost $13 billion in revenue for 2013, its dedication to selling natural and organic foods has clearly struck a chord with a population that’s looking to eat healthier, less-processed foods. But like any big company, there are plenty of things going on behind the scenes that they’d probably be happier if you didn’t know about.

Whole Foods has quite an intriguing history. Founders John Mackey and Renee Lawson borrowed $45,000 from friends and family to open a health food store called SaferWay in Austin in 1978, and after being evicted from their apartment for storing food in it, they took up residence in the store itself. Two years later, Mackey partnered with the owners of another natural store and opened the original Whole Foods, which was one of the largest health food stores in the country at the time. The following year, a flood devastated the store, resulting in about $400,000 in damages, but it had become so beloved by that time that the community pitched in to help it recover, and it reopened less than a month later.

via Things Whole Foods doesn’t want you to know.

Occupy Wall Street Draws Massive Turnout in NYC and Across the Nation to Mark 2-Month Milestone: from Democracy Now, November 18, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Draws Massive Turnout in NYC and Across the Nation to Mark 2-Month Milestone
Occupy Wall Street Draws Massive Turnout in NYC and Across the Nation to Mark 2-Month Milestone (Click here to watch the program from Democracy Now)

From Democracy Now: ‘The Occupy Wall Street movement entered its third month Thursday with protests against the economic system in dozens of cities across the country. Reports estimated some 300 people were arrested nationwide, with the majority of the arrests taking place in New York City when protesters attempted to shut down the New York Stock Exchange. “We effectively shut down Wall Street this morning. We did it with our stories, with our bodies, with our hearts,” says one of the organizers of the action. Democracy Now! reporter Ryan Devereaux filed this report. [includes rush transcript]’
(Source: http://www.democracynow.org/)

Michael Moore Occupies Wall Street: CNBC VIDEO

CNBC VIDEO_ Michael Moore Interview October 24 2011

CNBC VIDEO_ Michael Moore Interview October 24 2011 (CLick Here to view the video and read the transcript of the interview at CNBC!)

film maker Michael M is not one to hold back when it comes to capitalism. corporate america and now the movement to occupy wall street. he joins us this morning from outside the nyse. good morning and good to have you on the program. actually we’re not outside the new york stock exchange. you have moved me down here on to broadway. so that apparently you’ve been told or you are not allowed to have me there in front of the — you know, when i’ve interviewed with you in the past, you’ve tried to actually bring me into your studio at the stock exchange and the stock exchange will not allow me inside the building to be interviewed by members of the press (source: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000052954#)