Tag Archives: November

just a thought: Tumbleweed is a rootless kind of grass

just a thought: “Tumbleweed is a rootless kind of grass”

Amy Goodman: Texas Strips Women of Their Health and Rights http://t.co/U3ugwOhsqk #SoundCloud — Democracy Now!


today’s holiday: Tarantula Fest and Barbecue

Tarantula Fest and Barbecue

In northern California, the tarantula mating season begins in mid-August and lasts through early November, during which time many of the spiders cross the roads at Henry W. Coe State Park. Park rangers view the mass exodus as a great opportunity to hold a festival and a barbecue. The bolder attendees of the festival go for the tarantula-handling. Some even muster the courage to pose for pictures as the spiders crawl on their faces. There are also displays of non-native tarantulas and a raffle, and the park’s visitor center offers more information about tarantulas and the park. More… Discuss