Tag Archives: Toronto

word: insouciant


Definition: (adjective) Marked by blithe unconcern.
Synonyms: casual, nonchalant
Usage: He showed an insouciant disregard for cold weather, wearing only a T-shirt in the show. Discuss.
Definition: (adjective) Marked by blithe unconcern.
Synonyms: casual, nonchalant
Usage: He showed an insouciant disregard for cold weather, wearing only a T-shirt in the show. Discuss.

Man Picks Stranger for World Trip

Man Picks Stranger for World Trip

Canadian Jordan Axani plans to begin a trip around the world today with a traveling companion he chose based on an unusual criterion: she has the same name as his ex-girlfriend. Axani scheduled the three-week trip in May with his then-girlfriend. When the two broke up, he decided to avoid the hassle of changing airline tickets booked in her name by putting out a call for anyone with the same name and a valid Canadian passport. Axani said he received thousands of responses, including from many people who offered to legally change their names. He chose a woman after speaking with her on the phone. More… Discuss

this pressed for your right to know: Jack Layton’s hospital records were also accessed, Chow says – The Globe and Mail

Elizabeth Church and Kelly Grant
The Globe and Mail
Published Friday, Oct. 17 2014, 10:31 PM EDT
Last updated Friday, Oct. 17 2014, 11:29 PM EDT

Excerpts: One day after news that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s medical records were inappropriately accessed while he underwent cancer treatment, Olivia Chow has confirmed her late husband and former NDP leader Jack Layton had the same experience while in the care of another major Toronto hospital.

via   Jack Layton’s hospital records were also accessed, Chow says – The Globe and Mail.

word: churl


Definition: (noun) A rude, boorish person.
Synonyms: boor, barbarian, peasant
Usage: He is a drunken, brawling, perilous churl, as you may find to your cost. Discuss.

this pressed: Flash – Writers and readers go mobile and social at Wattpad – France 24

28 September 2014 – 07H25

Writers and readers go mobile and social at Wattpad



File picture shows visitors browsing e-books for children at the 64th Frankfurt Book Fair in Frankfurt, GermanyFile picture shows visitors browsing e-books for children at the 64th Frankfurt Book Fair in Frankfurt, Germany

Allen Lau considers himself living proof that love of good writing is alive and well in the age of streaming video and terse text messages.

He offers as further evidence the 32 million people who each month visit online literature social network Wattpad, which he and Ivan Yuen launched eight years ago as an online venue for writers and readers to connect.

“Wattpad is the world’s largest community for reading and writing,” Lau told AFP during a recent visit to San Francisco to meet with investors in the Toronto-based startup.

“We’ve created a mobile and social storytelling experience.”

Of the more than nine billion minutes spent monthly reading at Wattpad, about 85 percent is done using smartphones or tablet computers, according to Lau.

More than a million Wattpad users are writers, who typically upload a chapter at a time while readers tune in the way they might watch episodes of a television series.

“We make story telling very different and unique,” Lau said.

– Readers shape stories –

Readers share feelings, thoughts and criticisms with one another and authors at the social network, sometimes shaping fates of characters or directions of stories.

“Writing and reading have traditionally been very solitary experiences,” Lau said.

“In this case, writers get constant feedback from readers in real time; and from the reader perspective it is almost like watching a TV show with 10 million people all at once.”

Readers are free to wait until books are complete and then binge on chapter after chapter, but that is rarely the case at Wattpad. The most common question fired off at the service was said to be “When will the next chapter be released?”

After Wattpad noticed writers providing links to music videos to listen to as background for reading, the social network added a way to embed YouTube clips.

“It has been so widely used, if you go to YouTube and search ‘Wattpad’ you will find millions of videos,” Lau said.

“The writing is the main actor, but we have supporting characters: video and sound.”

Wattpad sees a quarter of a million chapters uploaded daily, with about 24 hours worth of reading arriving at the service each minute.

Less than half the visits to Wattpad come from the United States, and the service is growing strong in an array of countries including Turkey, Italy, Britain, and Spain.

“Not everyone has an e-book store, a library, or a regular book store, but everyone will be on the Internet and everyone will have a smartphone,” Lau reasoned.

“I am the walking proof that it is rubbish people aren’t reading as much; the Internet is helping people to read and write more.”

– Writers find fame –

The Wattpad mobile application is free, as is access to work uploaded by writers. More than half the stories on Wattpad were written on mobile devices.

Wattpad writers don’t get paid, but exposure at the social network provides opportunities for them to make money.

via Flash – Writers and readers go mobile and social at Wattpad – France 24.



Definition: (verb) Utter a sudden loud cry.
Synonyms: cryscreamyellshouthollerhollocall
Usage: The new mother breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she heard her newborn squalling. Discuss.


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Queen Victoria Chooses to Make Ottawa, Ontario, Canada’s Capital (1857)

First inhabited by indigenous tribes, the city that became Ottawa was founded as Bytown in 1827 by John By, an engineer in charge of construction of the Rideau Canal linking Lake Ontario and the Ottawa River. In the 1850s, the city was renamed Ottawa—after the Algonquian-speaking Ottawa tribe—when it fell into competition with major cities like Montreal and Toronto to be named capital of the Province of Canada, which comprised modern-day Ontario and Quebec. Why did Queen Victoria choose Ottawa? More… Discuss