Wine and Dine, Minus the Wine

The world is in the midst of a wine shortage, and it does not look like it will be letting up any time soon. Global wine production has been on the decline since it peaked in 2004. Last year, the demand for wine exceeded the supply by 300 million cases. Part of the problem is that European wine production has plummeted 25 percent since 2004. Winemaking in other parts of the world, like the US, Australia, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, and New Zealand, has been stepped up, but it is not yet able to keep up with global demand. More… Discuss


2 responses to “News: WINE AND DINE, MINUS THE WINE

  1. I dine without the wine now. Clean and sober 11 1/2 years.


    • Good for you! If you think of all the solutions, washing against your bone marrow, inside your bones, carried by blood everywhere….Well I guess water, if clean is just about the best liquid i can think of!


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