Daily Archives: December 10, 2017

Premierul Tudose recunoaste falimentul politicii guvernamentale in domeniul Sanatatii. Politistul ranit la Suceava este in pericol din cauza lipsurilor – Aktual24


Premierul Tudose recunoaste falimentul politicii guvernamentale in domeniul Sanatatii. Politistul ranit la Suceava este in pericol din cauza lipsurilor

Pana acum, o femeie din judetul Alba a murit pentru ca nu a primit la timp imunoglobulina de care avea nevoie. In situatia ei sunt si alti pacienti din tara care asteapta si acum ajutor de la autoritati.

Surse din PSD au anunta recent ca ministrul sanatatii ar putea fi remaniat, insa Tudose nu a facut acest pas pana acum.

Markmanship at Roosevelt HS, Los Angeles, 1942

Check out @HistoryInPix’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/HistoryInPix/status/940055553191034881?s=09

Gospel of the Day (Luke 5:17-26)

Gospel of the Day (Luke 5:17-26)
One day as Jesus was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem, and the power of the Lord was with him for healing.

And some men brought on a stretcher a man who was paralyzed; they were trying to bring him in and set (him) in his presence. 

But not finding a way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on the stretcher through the tiles into the middle in front of Jesus.

When he saw their faith, he said, “As for you, your sins are forgiven.”

Then the scribes and Pharisees began to ask themselves, “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who but God alone can forgive sins?”

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them in reply, “What are you thinking in your hearts? 

Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise and walk’? 

But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”–he said to the man who was paralyzed, “I say to you, rise, pick up your stretcher, and go home.”

He stood up immediately before them, picked up what he had been lying on, and went home, glorifying God. 

Then astonishment seized them all and they glorified God, and, struck with awe, they said, “We have seen incredible things today.”

France 24 :  Top Lafarge executives, including former CEO, indicted on terror financing charges

Top Lafarge executives, including former CEO, indicted on terror financing charges

Two senior executives at French-Swiss cement maker LafargeHolcim, including its former CEO, were charged on Friday over claims that top management turned a blind eye to payments to jihadists in Syria, a judicial source said.


Lafarge is accused of paying the Islamic State group and other militants through a middleman between 2013 and 2014 so that the company’s factory in Jalabiya, northernSyria, could continue to operate despite the war.

Four people had already been charged over the case.

At Friday’s hearings in Paris, Bruno Lafont, chief executive from 2007 to 2015, and the group’s former Syria chief Christian Herrault, appeared in court and were charged with “financing a terrorist organisation and “endangering the lives of others” and remanded in custody.

On Thursday Eric Olsen, who took over from Lafont as CEO after the company merged with Switzerland’s Holcim, was charged with the same crimes.

The three men have been in detention since Wednesday.

Three former officials at the Jalabiya factory were charged in the case last week.

Lafarge’s Syrian subsidiary Lafarge Cement Syria (LCS) paid out some $5.6 million (4.7 million euros) between July 2012 and September 2014, according to a report commissioned by LafargeHolcim and seen by AFP.

Of this, more than half a million dollars went to IS, according to the April report by US consultants Baker McKenzie.


Herrault acknowledged earlier this year that Lafarge was involved in a “racket”, adding that he kept Lafont “regularly informed”, according to the report.

But Lafont has denied that he knew what was happening, saying things had appeared to be “under control”.

LCS is also suspected of using fake consulting contracts to buy fuel from IS, which took control of most of Syria’s strategic oil reserves in June 2013.

The factory’s former manager Frederic Jolibois, who is among those charged, has admitted to buying oil from “non-governmental organisations”, notably Kurdish and Islamist groups, in violation of the EU embargo declared in 2011.

Lafarge hung on in Syria for two years after most French companies had left as IS made major territorial gains, most of which the jihadists have since lost.

Investigators are also trying to determine whether Lafarge failed to ensure the security of its Syrian staff who stayed behind after management left the country in the summer of 2012.


Wikipedia Main Page:  Today’s featured articleNigel (c. 1100 – 1169) 


Today’s featured article

Nigel (c. 1100 – 1169) wasTreasurer of England under King Henry I, before being appointed to the see, or bishopric, of Ely in 1133. Nigel owed his advancement to his uncle,Roger of Salisbury, a bishop and government minister. Following the accession of Henry I’s successor, King Stephen, Nigel remained as treasurer only briefly. He rebelled and deserted to Stephen’s rivalMatilda, and never regained high office under Stephen. On the king’s death, Nigel was returned to the treasurership by the new king, Henry II. In Nigel’s second tenure as treasurer, he returned the administration to the practices of Henry I. He withdrew from much of his public work after around 1164, following an attack of paralysis. He was succeeded as treasurer by his son, Richard fitzNeal, whom he had trained in the operations of theExchequer, or Treasury of England. Most historians have felt that Nigel’s administrative abilities were excellent; he is considered to have been more talented as an administrator than as a religious figure. 

Recently featured:


Check out these search results: https://twitter.com/hashtag/DeportDACA?s=09

Prinţul Charles vine la înmormântarea Regelui Mihai


Vasile Bănescu, purtătorul de cuvânt al Patriarhiei Române, a declarat, duminică, că la înmormântarea Regelui Mihai va participa prinţul Charles, dar şi un reprezentant al Casei Regale a Spaniei.

„Din câte am înţeles, a confirmat deja printul Charles (n.r prezenţa la înmormântare)”, a declarat acesta la Antena 3. De asemenea, purtătorul de cuvânt al Patriarhiei Române a precizat că la înmormântare va fi prezent şi un reprezentant al Casei Regale a Spaniei. 

Regele Mihai va fi înmormântat sâmbătă, 16 decembrie 2017, la Curtea de Argeş.

REVOLTĂTOR! Firea e la Viena! Postează pe Facebook! N-a mai suportat orașul ăla împuțit și aglomerat unde este primar… :  incredibil ce tupeu!


Incredibil cat tupeu !!!

Firea e la Viena! Postează pe Facebook! N-a mai suportat orașul ăla împuțit și aglomerat unde este primar… A plecat din București, era murdar, mirosea urât, este un oraș plin de dușmani; s-a dus la Viena unde-i un târg de Crăciun frumos, nu ca pe Dâmbovița unde se calcă toți săracii pe picioare

BBC News: Netanyahu: Palestinians must face reality over Jerusalem

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

Netanyahu: Palestinians must face reality over Jerusalem – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-42301004

Ce a avut de spus Ambasadorul Statelor Unite Klemm la Târgul Mureș, Azi!

Ambasadorul Klemm avertizează că ceea ce se întâmplă acum îl bucură doar pe Putin: “Noi credem că slăbirea legislaţiei care vă permite să aveţi un sistem judiciar independent şi să lansaţi o luptă puternică împotriva corupţiei subminează şi rezistenţa naţională şi poate expune România la ameninţări venite de peste hotare, inclusiv la cele din partea Rusiei. Corupţia este o scenă pe care actorii ostili o pot folosi pentru a sparge fundaţia unui stat rezistent”.

Cred că e un avertisment destul de clar: regimul Dragnea dă România pe mâna Rusiei. 

Declarația e făcută la Târgu Mureș, găsiți toată conferinta pe site-ul ambasadei.

“Palestinian stabs Israeli in Jerusalem; anti-Trump protest flares in Beirut” – Reuters 

“Palestinian stabs Israeli in Jerusalem; anti-Trump protest flares in Beirut” – http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-israel/palestinian-stabs-israeli-in-jerusalem-anti-trump-protest-flares-in-beirut-idUSKBN1E40FQ

A Palestinian stabbed an Israeli security guard at Jerusalem’s main bus station on Sunday, police said, and violence flared near the U.S. Embassy in Beirut over U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Four days of street protests in the Palestinian territories over Trump’s announcement on Wednesday have largely died down, but his overturning of long-standing U.S. policy on Jerusalem — a city holy to Jews, Muslims and Christians — drew more Arab warnings of potential damage to prospects for Middle East peace.

“Our hope is that everything is calming down and that we are returning to a path of normal life without riots and without violence,” Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Army Radio.

But in Jerusalem, a security guard was in critical condition after a 24-year-old Palestinian man from the occupied West Bank stabbed him after approaching a metal detector at an entrance to the city’s central bus station, police said. The alleged assailant was taken into custody after a passer-by tackled him.

In public remarks on Sunday, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, a frequent critic of Israel, called it an “invader state” and a “terror state”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who spoke at a news conference in Paris alongside French President Emmanuel Macron after the two leaders met, fired back:

“I’m not used to receiving lectures about morality from a leader who bombs Kurdish villages in his native Turkey, who jails journalists, helps Iran go around international sanctions and who helps terrorists, including in Gaza, kill innocent people,” Netanyahu said.

Macron told Netanyahu that he needed to make gestures to the Palestinians to break the impasse between the two sides.

“I asked Prime Minister Netanyahu to make some courageous gestures towards the Palestinians to get out of the current impasse,” Macron said, suggesting that a freeze of construction in settlements could be a first step. 

Most countries consider East Jerusalem, which Israel annexed after capturing it in a 1967 war, to be occupied territory and say the status of the city should be decided at future Israeli-Palestinian talks. Israel says that all of Jerusalem is its capital, while Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future independent state.

Vino in stradă să ne apărăm țara!  Se schimbă legea pentru criminali și nu criminalii după lege. 

Astăzi de la ora 18:00 voi transmite Live protestul din Piața Unirii din Iași. PSD – ALDE omoară democrația românească. Miercurea trecută, incompatibilitățile parlamentarilor au fost șterse cu buretele. Oameni care prin hotărâre judecătorească nu aveau voie să fie parlamentari acum au voie. Se schimbă legea pentru criminali și nu criminalii după lege. 

Independența procurorilor a fost ștearsă cu buretele și ea (chiar dacă încă nu s-a dat votul final). Practic, procurorii devin subordonați politic lui Tudorel Toader, cu efectul că dosarele politicienilor nu vor mai ajunge niciodată la judecată. 

Iar de marți vom vedea schimbări și mai grave. 

Vino in stradă să ne apărăm țara!

Breitbart Gets Facebook Warning Over COMPLETELY ACCURATE Story


As though Facebook’s overreach into the media world couldn’t get any more Orwellian, the social media platform is now dictating how news stories are written.

Mark Zuckerberg, the perpetually-hoodied CEO of the world’s most popular website, has long made it very clear that he does not approve of American traditional values.  His war on U.S. conservatives has been raging for years, with a number of terrifying bouts of censorship to show for it.

First, he came for our news stories’ popularity by arbitrarily instructing his staff to remove conservative news sites from the Trending Topics section of the site, no matter their rightful place as some of the most shared stories on the site.

Then, he began allowing individual users to flag shared posts as “fake news”; possibly the most egregious piece of journalistic undermining in modern 

Watch “First Crusade: Siege of Jerusalem 1099 AD” on YouTube (Jerusalem, today and in the next millenium!)

What is the meaning of a truthful discussion, when one side continues o moque the other based on its values who thry condider weaknesses?

The result is one, and one only: the nonexistent discussions, must be mefiated by chosing one side, the side that is the plaintiff in the case, no matter the consequences!  It doesn’t seem to have a winning hand by being nice, and playing nice to our enemy! Oir enemy continues to hate us, no matter what: it is time to teach them some respect! Today Jerusalem, tomorrow Constantinopole!  

If not they will take the Vatican, and we cannot stand by, and wash their feet, while they are encouraged by their faith that they own the world!

Sărbători fără infractori!: Jos cu PSD-ul!

Sărbători fără infractori!: Jos cu PSD-ul!

Sărbători fără infractori!: Jos cu PSD-ul!

Sărbători fără infractori!: Jos cu PSD-ul!

Cine comentează impotriva manifestanților este un tradator de țară! Este cu o şleahtă de borfași, cu dosare penale, și nu ar trebui să fure România de un viitor! De la maresalui Antonescu nu a trădat cineva România așa ca Dragnea, Tariceanu, Șerban Nicolae! Jos PSD, DIZOLVAȚI-L!


Cetateni din Craiova, adunați de PSD,  care au ieșit pt Rege . Aceiași cetateni care votează partidul al cărui prim sef, Iliescu, l-a gonit pe Mihai.

De ce luptăm pentru Țară? 

Fiecare român are datoria să lupte pentru țară după cum poate: a nu lupta este imporiva interesului de scurtă și de lungă durată! 

Stiu că din când în când lupta pare să fie pierdută, dar ca in povestea Meșterului Manole, noi trebuie să ne ridicăm și să acționăm pentru ca dușmanii nostri dinafară și trădătorii dinăuntru să nu ne fure, și înșele  țara!

Cand ne înșeală țara ne înșeală pe fiecare dintre noi!

Nihil sine Deo!:  Watch “Regele Mihai, Nimic fără Dumnezeu” on YouTube

Nihil sine Deo!

Today, Radio Vatican Again is talking about how we are at a loss due to the moving of the American Ambassy to Jerusalem

Vatican News… on Vatican Radio
– Pope Francis marks UN Human Rights Day with a call to eliminate nuclear arms and to commit to caring for our common home

  • The Holy See reiterates the Pope’s concern for hightened tensions in the Middle East following the US President’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capitalVatican News… on Vatican Radio
  • Pope Francis marks UN Human Rights Day with a call to eliminate nuclear arms and to commit to caring for our common home
  • The Holy See reiterates the Pope’s concern for hightened tensions in the Middle East following the US President’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capitalPope Francis has expressed sorrow for the clashes of the past few days over the status of Jerusalem that have left several people dead in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 
    The Holy Father renewed his appeal for wisdom and prudence and prayed earnestly that leaders of Nations may do everything to avert a new spiral of violence.


Has the Pope forgotten who his God is? Is it allah or his flock of terrorist sent in the world to distroy our Chrtianity? Why didn’t we hear any word about the lives of millions of Christians taken by allahists, in the name of their god, allah…this only in this century, what about the reign of terror from the previous milenia since Mohamed dreamed about becoming the only god on earth…

And all he, the Pope,  preached was…prayers, for the Christians who lost their lifes, in the name of religion…is that enough? 

As stated by the leader of the free world, President Donald Trump, the decision to move the Ambassy was not only long overdue but it happened after a period of self deliberation, in which he contemplated the truth of the status quo, ehich brought only negative actions from the arab world, and does not address the plea of the Jewish people and of the Christians everywhere, for returning Jerusalem to its people, from the time of the Bible, and before! It is the true capital of Christianity, we did not claim allahists’ so called saint places like MECCA, MEDINA, AND ANY OTHER INCLUDIND JERUSALEM, FOR OURSELVES! WHAT FUTURE CAN JERUSALEM HAVE WITH ALLAHISTS: MAY BE THEY WILL BLOWUP  IT UP, LIKE THEY DID WITH ALL THE PLACES THEY CONQUERED, INCLUDING HAGIA SOFIA, IN CONSTANTINOPOLE…WHEREEVER allahists were they left behind the world on fire, rape, famine and Death!  

Ce trebuie făcut cu borfașii din guvern? Citește aici!


Ce se întâmplă in România? Aflați aici!


Today’s Holiday:  Nobel Prize Ceremony

Today’s Holiday:
Nobel Prize Ceremony

Nobel Prizes are awarded each year to people, regardless of nationality, deemed to have made the most significant practical efforts toward the well-being of the human race. In his will, the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) directed that the income from his estate be used to fund five annual prizes. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901; a sixth prize—in economics—was added in 1969. Winners receive the awards at a special ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. The peace prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Today’s Birthday:Nelly Sachs (1891

Today’s Birthday:
Nelly Sachs (1891
Sachs was a German poet, translator, and dramatist. Born to a prosperous family, Sachs wrote poems mainly for fun until the advent of Nazism darkened her work and forced her to flee on one of the last flights to Sweden. Her lyrics from those years combine lean simplicity with intense imagery. Collections of her poetry include The Seeker and O the Chimneys. What other poet developed a deep friendship with Sachs, which unfortunately exacerbated both poets’ mental illnesses? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

This Day in History:The Brown Dog Affair: Rioting Peaks in London (1907)

This Day in History:
The Brown Dog Affair: Rioting Peaks in London (1907)

In 1903, anti-vivisectionists enrolled as medical students at University College London and published an eyewitness account of a brown dog that had endured months of surgical experimentation while allegedly conscious. A professor named in the story sued for defamation and won. After the trial, anti-vivisectionists put up a statue of the dog as a monument in a park, but mobs of angry medical students rioted and tried to destroy it. In 1910, it was taken down by authorities. When was it replaced? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Quote of the Day:John Quincy Adams

Quote of the Day:
John Quincy Adams

The freedom of the press should be inviolate. More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Article of the Day:The Freedom Rides

Article of the Day:
The Freedom Rides

After the US Supreme Court ruled in the case of Boynton v. Virginia (1960) that racial segregation in public transportation is illegal, civil rights activists organized the Freedom Rides, in which interracial groups of participants rode public transportation in the southern US to challenge local laws enforcing segregation. Though many riders were beaten and arrested, people continued to join the campaign, propelling it forward. How else did the riders protest racial discrimination? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Idiom of the Day:lazy-bones

Idiom of the Day:

A particularly lazy or indolent person. Watch the video…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Word of the day:  Humdrum

Word of the day:  Humdrum

Definition: (adjective) Lacking variety or excitement; dull.

Synonyms: unglamorous, commonplace, prosaic
Usage: So here I shall end my days; and I must say, Dorothy, my dear, that you are very foolish to go back into that stupid, humdrum world again.: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch