Daily Archives: December 12, 2017

Ceausescu ar fi mandru de PSD: Opozitiei i s-a pus pumnul in gura in Comisia de Transporturi. Unde sunt autostrazile despre care vorbim? | Mobile


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Ceausescu ar fi mandru de PSD: Opozitiei i s-a pus pumnul in gura in Comisia de Transporturi. Unde sunt autostrazile despre care vorbim?

Ceausescu ar fi mandru de PSD: Opozitiei i s-a pus pumnul in gura in Comisia de Transporturi. Unde sunt autostrazile despre care vorbim?
Foto: Arhiva Hepta.ro

Majoritatea PSD-ALDE, secondata de UDMR, s-a impus, marti, intr-un mod scandalos in comisiile parlamentare de Transport, unde trebuia discutat proiectul de buget. Opozitiei i s-a pus pumnul in gura in mod dictatorial, iar ministrul Felix Stroe (foto) a sfidat Parlamentul refuzand sa vina la dezbatere, sustine Opozitia.

“Discutand cu alti colegi si cu staff-ul tehnic, pentru ca sunt persoane care lucreaza in comisia de specialitate de peste 20 de ani, pot spune ca asa ceva nu s-a mai intamplat niciodata”, a declarat indignat pentru Ziare.comdeputatul PNL Lucian Bode, fost ministru al Economiei si presedinte al comisiei pentru Transporturi, aflat la al treilea mandat in Parlamentul Romaniei.

Acesta a fost scandalizat de cele intamplate astazi la sedinta comisiilor reunite la care trebuia sa se dezbata bugetul Ministerului Transporturilor pentru anul viitor.

“Bine, majoritatea decide. Nu e de acord cu un amendament, atunci il respinge. Dar ii dai posibilitatea acelui parlamentar sa isi sustina amendamentul, pentru ca vine de la el de acasa, din judet, de la primarii lui, de la cetatenii care l-au trimis acolo!

Asemenea dictatura si ‘pumni in gura’ eu n-am mai intalnit si nici n-am auzit ca in Parlamentul Romaniei sa se mai fi intamplat asa ceva!”, a sustinut deputatul liberal.

Maniera dictatoriala in care conducerile celor doua camere parlamentare, asigurate de Calin Popescu Tariceanu si Liviu Dragnea, actioneaza zilele acestea s-a vazut foarte bine si la dezbaterile din comisia speciala care modifica Legile Justitiei, dar si la voturile in plenul Camerei Deputatilor, unde Opozitia nu a fost lasata sa se exprime.

Deputatii au votat pe furis si in viteza Statutul magistratilor si amputarea Legii ANI. Opozitia acuza un grup infractional care saboteaza cu nemernicie JustitiaGraba lui Iordache a scos din minti si ALDE: Aproape ca au acordat din greseala super-imunitate magistratilorJudecatorul Cristi Danilet: Este halucinant cum se desfasoara modificarea Legilor Justitiei

Ministrul Stroe a dat bir cu fugitii

Rugat sa relateze cum a decurs sedinta de astazi, Lucian Bode s-a aratat uimit in primul rand de faptul ca ministrul Felix Stroe a refuzat sa vina sa sustina bugetul ministerului pe care il conduce.

Este inadmisibil! Niciodata nu s-a mai intamplat asa ceva. Poate in situatii de forta majora, sa fie ministrul plecat din tara, dar sa nu vina ministrul la dezbateri ca sa isi sustina proiectul de buget nu s-a mai intamplat.

Noi voiam sa avem o dezbatere civilizata, cu argumente pro si contra, sa discutam amendamentele. Bine, nu trec, pentru ca vointa majoritatii se impune, asta e, dar macar sa le dezbatem. Mai ales ca 15 dintre ele apartineau PSD-ALDE“, a povestit presedintele Comisiei pentru Transporturi din Camera Deputatilor.

Nici macar un amendament nu a fost dezbatut

Un alt lucru iesit din comun a fost faptul ca omologul sau de la Senat, Ionel Butunoi (PSD), a cerut, dupa scurte dezbateri generale, sa nu se voteze nici macar un amendament, a povestit Lucian Bode.

“Presedintele Comisiei de Transport din Senat, dl Butunoi, a propus si s-a votat cu 12 voturi pentru, 8 impotriva si 2 abtineri, ca noi in comisiile reunite sa ne pronuntam pe bugetul MT, asa cum a fost transmis de catre guvern, fara sa dezbatem niciun amendament din cele 187 depuse de senatori si deputati.

Noi, Opozitia, am avut foarte multe argumente impotriva acestei propuneri, spunand ‘Ce rost mai are atunci o comisie de specialitate?’, iar singurul argument al celor de la Putere a fost acela ca oricum bugetul MT se va dezbate in comisiile de Buget-Finante.

Au venit secretarii de stat, dar saracii ei nu puteau raspunde la intrebarile noastre. Trebuia sa discutam ce este oportun (bineinteles, suplimentand bugetul in anumite capitole si diminuandu-l in altele, pentru ca anvelopa bugetara ramane, noi nu am propus cresterea deficitului; asa cum scrie si la regulament, la fiecare amendament am indicat de unde vin banii).

Dl Butunoi a propus sa nu discutam niciun amendament, sa dam raport, au fost doar discutii generale, fiecare grup parlamentar a avut dreptul la o singura interventie. Opozitia nu a fost de acord cu aceasta propunere. Apoi s-a supus la vot acordarea unui aviz favorabil fara amendamente admise sau respinse (pur si simplu!) si cu 11 voturi pentru, 9 impotriva si o abtinere, avizul a fost acordat”, a declarat Lucian Bode.

Surprize la vot

Deputatul liberal a subliniat insa ca nu toti parlamentarii Puterii au fost de acord cu maniera de lucru.

“Foarte important! Unul dintre cele 9 voturi impotriva a apartinut colegului nostru de la ALDE, iar abtinerea a venit din partea unui deputat PSD. Asta ne arata noua, celor din Opozitie, ca nici macar ei, cei din coalitia de guvernare, nu sunt toti de acord cu aceasta abordare, nu sunt de acord cu bugetul MT asa cum a fost el propus”, a relatat deputatul liberal.

Intrebat cum au votat parlamentarii UDMR, acesta a precizat: “UDMR a votat alaturi de PSD in Comisia pentru Transporturi, atat propunerea de a nu se dezbate amendamentele, cat si acordarea unui aviz favorabil”.

In aceste conditii, Lucian Bode a scris in raportul pe care trebuia sa il semneze in calitate de presedinte de comisie “aviz cu amendamente”.

“Si punct. Nici admise, nici respinse. Probabil in Comisia de Buget se va da tot un astfel de vot si se va merge mai departe. Din aceste motive si din multe altele, eu i-am cerut public demisia dl ministru Stroe. Este inadmisibil sa sfidezi Parlamentul Romaniei in asemenea hal“, a adaugat acesta, aratandu-se in continuare neplacut surprins de situatia in care a fost pus astazi.

Dezastrul scos la iveala de bugetul Transporturilor

Intrebat de ce se grabeste majoritatea PSD-ALDE cu bugetul si, mai ales, de ce a venit atat de tarziu cu el in Parlament, Lucian Bode a reamintit “topaiala fiscala” din ultimele luni a Guvernului.

“Era bine sa vina cu bugetul pana in octombrie, asa cum scrie la lege. N-au venit, nu s-au grabit, n-au avut avizele, nu s-au inteles cu salariul minim, au modificat Codul Fiscal… Au o bulibaseala in cap, e clar. Aceasta deja celebra ‘topaiala fiscala’ nu le-a permis sa aiba o proiectie pe buget pentru 2018”, a completat acesta.

Guvernul nu da niciun ban in 2018 pentru pasajul Domnesti, in ciuda vehementelor proteste si traficului infernal din zona

Lucian Bode a tinut sa sublinieze ca cifrele din bugetul cu care premierul Tudose s-a prezentat la Parlament arata ca axioma promovata de Guvern “educatie-sanatate-infrastructura” este “o minciuna”, care a fost “devoalata cu cifrele Ministerului Transporturilor”.

“MT beneficiaza de asa-zisa crestere spectaculoasa care e de… 0,87%. Ei au prevazut un buget cu sub 1% mai mare decat in 2017! Asta la alocari directe, bugetare, ca sa nu mai vorbim despre fonduri europene nerambursabile: in 2017 au prevazut 8,3 miliarde de lei, iar in 2018 au prevazut 4 miliarde lei!

Despre ce crestere spectaculoasa vorbim? Cifrele arata dimensiunea dezastrului care se prefigureaza in ceea ce priveste infrastructura de transport.

Pe autostrazi, de exemplu: in 2017 si-au propus sa dea in folosinta 90 de km de autostrada. Au inaugurat 15 km in martie, care erau finalizati deja si doar s-au realizat niste proceduri birocratice. Anul acesta dl Stroe isi propune sa dea in folosinta peste 150 de km de autostrada, in conditiile in care in buget la Autostrada Transilvania sunt cu peste 100 de milioane de euro mai putini bani decat in 2017, iar Autostrada Unirii, Targu-Mures – Iasi – Ungheni, are ZEROpentru 2018. Unde sunt autostrazile despre care vorbim?!”, s-a aratat indignat deputatul PNL.

Intrebat ce urmeaza, Lucian Bode ne-a dezvaluit ca miercuri, la Parlament, “va fi un desant de neimaginat”, urmand sa se voteze pe banda rulanta Legile Justitiei, modificarea regulamentului Camerei Deputatilor, care va fi imediat publicat in Monitorul Oficial pentru a intra rapid in vigoare, dar si o lege favorabila UDMR.

“Toate se leaga. (…) Totul merge snur, planul lor este foarte atent pus la punct, nu lasa niciun detaliu sa le scape”, a conchis deputatul PNL Lucian Bode.

Citeste si:

Consiliul fiscal, despre proiectul de buget pe 2018: Incasari supraevaluate, cheltuieli subevaluateOpozitia trage semnalul de alarma: Bugetul pe 2018 nu respecta Constitutia. Vom fi sanctionati de Comisia EuropeanaMinistrul de Finante isi bazeaza cifrele din buget pe vanzarea apei grele si a licentelor 5G

Caught planning a terrorist attack

Check out @Info24US’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/Info24US/status/940713888106123264?s=09

Caught planning a terrorist attack!

No aşa băi:  Watch “#NEXTLEVEL. Vin la București grupuri din Ardeal. Ce măgărie s-a făcut împotriva protestatarilor” on YouTube

Watch “Din Parlamentul Român: Dacă: erau Dragnea si Iordache in fata mea, n-aveam cum sa nu le spun asta!” on YouTube

Traian Băsescu:

Cu deplină iresponsabilitate,

Alianţa PSD – ALDE împinge din nou România într-o zonă gri a Uniunii Europene, într-un moment în care, la Bruxelles (unde Guvernul României este total absent), se fac jocurile pentru constituirea nucleului dur al viitoarei configuraţii a Uniunii Europene cu “ritmuri şi viteze diferite“. Prost moment ca să semeni neîncredere, în loc să arăţi stabilitate, consecvenţâ şi abordări europene.

În loc să facă ce trebuie, Dragnea şi Tăriceanu au încredinţat tripletei de şmenari juridici şi politici, Florin Iordache – Şerban Nicolae – Steluţa Cătăniciu, o Comisie Specială, destinată a aduce justiţia sub controlul PSD, prin modificarea legilor de funcţionare a justiţiei, care în nici un caz nu sunt o urgenţă şi nici nu deranjază dacă nu sunt modificate imediat.

Două sunt motivele care ne descalifică în momentul de faţă. Şi anume:

  1. Modificarea legilor de funcţionare a justiţiei (L303/2004 – statutul magistraților, L304/2004 – organizarea justiției și L317/2004 – organizarea CSM) prin care se urmăreşte punerea sub control a justiţiei cu o tuşă groasă către procurori. 
  2. ”Revoluţia fiscală” ce va intra în vigoare începând cu 1 ianuarie 2018 pentru care nici statul şi nici companiile nu sunt pregătite, care este extrem de riscantă din punct de vedere al stabilităţii fiscal-bugetare a ţării şi, în egală măsură, este riscantă pentru companii.

Dacă aceste nefericite şi riscante iniţiative nu sunt abandonate imediat, România va fi aruncată în malaxorul neîncrederii europenilor şi al comunităţii de afaceri în care, odată intrat, îţi trebuie 4–5 ani să ieşi .

În schimb, sunt urgenţe care, dacă ar fi rezolvate, ar consolida vocaţia noastră de ţară care poate fi un pilon al viitoarei Uniuni Europene cu “ritmuri şi viteze diferite” în Est. Şi anume:

a. Punerea în concordanţâ a zecilor de articole din cele patru coduri, constatate a fi neconstituţionale prin decizii ale CCR (art.147 alin.1 din Constituţia României). Iar, pentru ca lucrurile să fie în bună regulă şi pentru a nu fi făcute în slujba hoţilor, reformulările ar trebui să ţină cont pe deplin de recomandările Comisiei de la Veneţia.

b. Introducerea în legislaţia naţională a prevederilor Directivei 343/2016 a UE, cu privire la respectarea drepturilor fundamentale, lucru pentru care termenul limită este 1 Aprilie 2018.

c. Trebuie calmată inflaţia şi restabilită încrederea mediului de afaceri, prin amânarea cu un an a “revoluţiei fiscale” (split tva devenit extrem de neclar ca aplicare, mărirea salariului minim, reducerea impozitului pe venituri de la 16 la 10 la sută, transferul contribuţiilor la salariat etc.) şi mărită capacitatea de absorbţie a banilor europeni, pentru a avea o creştere economică durabilă, în concordanţă cu potenţialul real de creştere a ţării. Până la urmă, o întrebare simplă: dacă în condiţiile actualului Cod Fiscal, România va înregistra anul acesta o creştere de 6,5 la sută, de ce schimbaţi profund Codul Fiscal ?

Trebuie înţeles că, după un an cu un larg evantai de măsuri inflaţioniste, economia are nevoie de un an pentru stabilizare.

Măcar am conştiinţa împăcată că v-am spus.

Watch “Corupții lui Dragnea au folosit șocant moartea Regelui Mihai. Tupeul lui Iordache” on YouTube

What you should comment? : Well…just the truth!

Check out @georgebost’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/georgebost/status/940641871465869312?s=09

You have to consider though: if, let’s just asume, that your mother or your father, or both these two people were really, really, GAY, then you wouldn’t be able to have an opinion right now, because…YOU WOULDN’T EXIST,  RIGHT?

Defamation of character is the oldest and most ineficient political tool…It is unfair to judge anubody by a broken set of rules…it is wateful, and cowardly, snd takes away from the efficiency of government: therefore it is the Democrats who should take the blame for any harm!

Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/940554567414091776?s=09

My comment

Defamation of character is the oldest and most ineficient political tool…It is unfair to judge anubody by a broken set of rules…it is wateful, and cowardly, snd takes away from the efficiency of government: therefore it is the Democrats who should take the blame for any harm!

Update: Prosecutor General considers notifying the Constitutional Court on the laws of justice. PSD Senator retorts, accuses Supreme Court chairman – The Romania Journal


Home / SOCIETY & PEOPLELAW & CRIME / Update: Prosecutor General considers notifying the Constitutional Court on the laws of justice. PSD Senator retorts, accuses Supreme Court chairman

augustin lazar 2

Update: Prosecutor General considers notifying the Constitutional Court on the laws of justice. PSD Senator retorts, accuses Supreme Court chairman

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar has announced, Tuesday morning, he is considering the notification of the Constitutional Court of Romania in regard to the laws of justice, amended by Parliament. The Prosecutor General has said a decision will be made this week, hotnews.ro informs.

The Senate is the decisional chamber for the three laws on justice.

On Monday, the first draft bill under discussion – the amendments to the Magistrates’ Statute (Law 303/2004) was adopted by the Lower Chamber and was registered to the Senate. The senators can file amendments by Thursday.

The second draft, to amend Law 304/2004 has received the report at the special committee and is expected to be debated and to receive the final vote in the Chamber of Deputies.

The third draft – to amend Law 317/2004 regarding the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) is in the special committee (aka. Iordache committee). It is expected to be finalised on Tuesday, or on Wednesday at the latest.

All the three draft bills are debated in emergency procedure.

PSD Senator retorts, accuses Supreme Court chairman

Social-democrat Senator Serban Nicolae retorted during the parliamentary legal committee debates on Tuesday, charging Lazar of inadequate statements (‘high rank defendants’ – our note). “It was an insult and it is unacceptable. In any democratic state you would have been dismissed and placed under disciplinary investigation,” Nicolae said.

He also reproached the Supreme Court Chairman, Cristina Tarcea, that she signed a protocol along with CSM and the Public Ministry to join the National Anticorruption Strategy (SNA), claiming it was a ‘shameful’ protocol.

Cristina Tarcea replied that, by the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), the SNA is binding through a Government decision to the Supreme Court as well, referring to the unification of judicial procedures and the implementation of a system to make the ECHR decisions public.

In turn, Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar said he would not polemize with politicians.

PSD-ALDE ruling coalition wants the last two justice laws to be voted tomorrow – The Romania Journal


The Romania Journal


Home / POLITICS / PSD-ALDE ruling coalition wants the last two justice laws to be voted tomorrow

justice laws

PSD-ALDE ruling coalition wants the last two justice laws to be voted tomorrow

The group leaders committee in the Chamber of Deputies has decided to hold a new plenary sitting on Wednesday, upon the ruling parties’ request, in order to vote the last two justice bills of the justice laws’ package.

The two bills to be tabled in the plenary session of the lower chamber tomorrow are the law 304/2004 on the judicial organization and law 317/2004 regarding the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM). The MPs are called to debate the laws and to cast the final vote.

Before the two bills are discussed, the plenary sitting is called to cast a vote on the amendment that SocDem deputy Florin Iordache had tabled on the Chamber of Deputies regulation. More precisely, the head of the special committee set to amend the justice laws has proposed that the opposition should not have the right anymore to endorse its amendments that had been vetoed in committees in the plenary session. However, Iordache’s proposal had been rejected in the regulation committee after UDRM deputy Marton Arpad had voted against it, but it might be voted in the plenary sitting though.

Shared Article from AOL: 6-year-old boy makes $11M a year on YouTube


A 6-year-old boy is making $11 million a year on YouTube reviewing toys

AOL.COM 55 mins ago

  • The 6-year-old Ryan of YouTube’s Ryan ToysReview made $11 million in revenue this year from his YouTube account, according toForbes.
  • Surely the envy of elementary school kids worldwide, the adolescent YouTube star reviews new toys in videos that his family produces. 
  • Ryan ToysReview tied for the eighth spot this year on Forbes’ annual list of the highest-earning YouTube accounts. 

Ryan, the 6-year-old “host” of Ryan ToysReview, a popular toy-review channel on YouTube, is also reportedly a multi-millionaire.

A family-run YouTube channel, Ryan ToysReview generated around $11 million in pretax income in 2017, according toForbes’ annual list of the highest-earning YouTube celebrities.

RELATED: 25 hottest toys of 2017, according to WalmartThe raw estimate of $11 million tied Ryan ToysReview with the YouTube comedy stalwart Smosh for eighth place on the Forbes list.

Last year, The Verge profiled the channel and Ryan’s parents, who have shot and produced the account’s frequently (nearly daily) released videos since Ryan ToysReview started in March 2015.

The account began when Ryan, then simply a 4-year-old fan of toy-review videos, asked his parents why he couldn’t also review toys on YouTube.

Ryan ToysReview started out slowly until a July 2015 video went viral. The video featured Ryan opening and reviewing a “GIANT EGG SURPRISE” box containing over 100 toys from Pixar’s “Cars” series. It currently has close to 800 million views.

The channel now tends to review new toys or kids’ food products, and the videos usually feature earnest and enthusiastic commentary from Ryan with off-camera guidance from his parents. 

According to The Verge, the channel’s viewership, which boasts a current audience of 10 million subscribers, translates to around $1 million a month in advertising revenue alone.

Watch this astronomically lucky child review a DIY candy dispenser below:

NOW WATCH: This South Korean boy band is taking over the music world

See Also:

SEE ALSO: MEET THE YOUTUBE MILLIONAIRES: These are the 10 highest-paid YouTube stars of 2017

Grupul de state împotriva corupției (GRECO), din cadrul Consiliului Europei, cere României ca până la 15 ianuarie 2018 să prezinte informații în legătură cu modificările la legile justiției, care să fie analizate la reuniunea GRECO din luna martie – anunță Hotnews.


Grupul de state împotriva corupției (GRECO), din cadrul Consiliului Europei, cere României ca până la 15 ianuarie 2018 să prezinte informații în legătură cu modificările la legile justiției, care să fie analizate la reuniunea GRECO din luna martie – anunță Hotnews.

GRECO precizează că este pentru prima dată când utilizează articolul 34 din Regulamentul său, introdus recent pentru a permite o “procedură ad-hoc în circumstanțe excepționale”.

Această regulă poate fi aplicată atunci când o reformă instituțională, o inițiativă legislativă sau o modificare procedurală poate duce la “încalcarea gravă” de către un stat membru al Consiliului Europei a unui standard anticorupție.

State Lawmakers Question New Orleans Saints State Funding After Anthem Protests | NFL | The Epoch Times


Entertainment News

State Lawmakers Question New Orleans Saints State Funding After Anthem Protests

September 26, 2017 16:51, Last Updated: September 26, 2017 17:07

By Epoch Newsroom

Louisiana Republican state representative Kenny Havard, is calling for the state government to pull state funding, tax breaks, and other support from the New Orleans Saints after players protested during the national anthem.

“Disrespecting our national anthem and flag in the name of social injustice is the highest form of hypocrisy,” Havard said in a written statement Monday,Sept. 25, NOLA.com reported.

State Rep. Valarie Hodges, a Republican, requested that the Saints state benefits be reviewed by the Legislature’s Senate and House budget committees due to the protest.

Of the Saints $1.5 billion value, about $165 million can be attributed to public funding, incentives, and tax breaks, according to a 2016 report from NOLA.

“I believe in the right to protest, but not at a taxpayer-subsidized sporting event. Do it on your own time. There are plenty of disabled children, elderly and veterans in this state that would appreciate the money,” Havard said.

“I can’t stress enough that I support their First Amendment and ability to protest,” Havard added. “But there are a lot of people out there that feel the same way as me. I’m getting a lot of calls in support” of pulling the Saints public funding over the protests.

Approximately 10 Saints players were among 200 NFL players who didn’t stand or engaged in some other form of protest during the anthem.

Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick triggered the protests in 2016, starting in the preseason. Kaepernick and other players have claimed they’re protesting police brutality in the wake of prominent officer-involved shootings around the United States and perceived racial injustice.

President Donald Trump reignited the NFL anthem debate by saying that any player who refuses to stand during the anthem should be fired. The president also tweeted Tuesday: “The NFL has all sorts of rules and regulations. The only way out for them is to set a rule that you can’t kneel during our National Anthem!”

The president also said the NFL game ratings will drop.

“Ratings for NFL football are way down except before game starts, when people tune in to see whether or not our country will be disrespected!” he wrote.

Next Read



About fake news v. Russisn desinformation campaign 

Check out @NBCNews’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/940321060171472896?s=09

Shared Article from AOL: Ancient Roman structure to start charging entry fee in 2018


Ancient Roman Pantheon to start charging entry fee in 2018

AOL.COM 16 hrs ago

ROME, Dec 11 (Reuters) – Visitors to Rome’s Pantheon, one of the ancient world’s best preserved monuments, will have to pay an entry fee from next May unless they are going there to pray, Italy’s culture and tourism ministry said on Monday.

Now a church, the vast cylindrical former temple whose undamaged exterior wall supports a 43.3 meter-high (142 ft) dome with a circular skylight at its summit, drew 7.4 million visitors last year.

The new 2 euros ($2.36) per person charge is part of a drive to squeeze more profit from Italy’s cultural assets, and the ministry said tourist visits would also be suspended during religious services.

Part of the ticket revenue will be spent on maintaining the site, where Roman statesman Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa commissioned a temple in honor of Emperor Augustus in around 27 B.C.

RELATED: Archaeologists excavate ancient Roman temple in Caesarea

The Pantheon’s current form and six-meter thick walls date from the early part of the reign of Emperor Hadrian, who came to power in A.D. 117. The building survived the Barbarian attacks on Rome and was transformed into a Christian church in 609.

Among those buried in there are the Renaissance artist Raphael and two Italian kings.

Caring for art and architecture dating back thousands of years has long posed a challenge for a country that is responsible for more UNESCO world heritage sites than any other and has long-standing problems of bureaucracy and low public funding.

($1 = 0.8487 euros) (Reporting by Isla Binnie; )

Shared Article from AOL: Trump’s big move reverses Obama’s course on space


Trump wants to send U.S. astronauts back to moon, someday Mars

AOL.COM 15 hrs ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – At a time when China is working on an ambitious lunar program, President Donald Trump vowed on Monday that the United States will remain the leader in space exploration as he began a process to return Americans to the moon.

“We are the leader and we’re going to stay the leader, and we’re going to increase it many fold,” Trump said in signing “Space Policy Directive 1” that establishes a foundation for a mission to the moon with an eye on going to Mars.

“This time, we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint, we will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars,” Trump said. “And perhaps, someday, to many worlds beyond.”

Back in June, China’s space official said the country was making “preliminary” preparations to send a man to the moon, the latest goal in China’s ambitious lunar exploration program.

Trump’s signing ceremony for the directive included former lunar astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Harrison Schmitt and current astronaut Peggy Whitson, whose 665 days in orbit is more time in space than any other American and any other woman worldwide.

The ceremony also featured a moon rock 3.8 billion years old collected by Schmitt’s Apollo 17 mission in 1972.

Trump said he was taking a giant step toward “reclaiming America’s proud destiny in space.”

“And space has so much to do with so many other applications, including a military application,” he said without elaboration.

In approving the new policy, Trump abandoned what had been a goal of his predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama, who in 2010 backed a plan to send humans to a near-earth asteroid.

NASA said initial funding for the new policy would be included in its budget request for fiscal year 2019.

“NASA looks forward to supporting the president’s directive strategically aligning our work to return humans to the moon, travel to Mars and opening the deeper solar system beyond,” said acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot in a statement. (Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Alden Bentley and Jeffrey Benkoe)

Shared Article from AOL: Trump calls for immigration action after NYC bombing


Trump says the failed New York City bombing shows why Congress needs to pass his immigration agenda

AOL.COM 8 hrs ago

  • President Donald Trump called for congressional action after Monday’s failed New York City terror attack.
  • “Today’s attempted mass murder attack in New York City — the second terror attack in New York in the last two months — once again highlights the urgent need for Congress to enact legislative reforms to protect the American people,” Trump said.

President Donald Trump responded toMonday’s failed New York City subway bombing in an early evening statement, calling on Congress to pass his immigration agenda.

“Today’s attempted mass murder attack in New York City — the second terror attack in New York in the last two months — once again highlights the urgent need for Congress to enact legislative reforms to protect the American people,” Trump said. “First and foremost, as I have been saying since I first announced my candidacy for president, America must fix its lax immigration system, which allows far too many dangerous, inadequately vetted people to access our country.”

Early Monday morning, Akayed Ullah, a 27-year-old Brooklyn resident from Bangladesh, allegedly set off a pipe bomb in a concourse at the Port Authority Bus Terminal near Times Square. The bomb appeared to go off prematurely, and Ullah was taken to the hospital for his injuries. Police said three other people were injured in the attack.

Ullah was reportedly inspired by the terror group ISIS.

ABC News reported that Ullah lived in the US for seven years, holding a New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission  license from 2012 to 2015.

“Today’s terror suspect entered our country through extended-family chain migration, which is incompatible with national security,” Trump said. “My executive action to restrict the entry of certain nationals from eight countries, which the Supreme Court recently allowed to take effect, is just one step forward in securing our immigration system. Congress must end chain migration.”

“Congress must also act on my Administration’s other proposals to enhance domestic security, including increasing the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, enhancing the arrest and detention authorities for immigration officers, and ending fraud and abuse in our immigration system,” he continued. “The terrible harm that this flawed system inflicts on America’s security and economy has long been clear. I am determined to improve our immigration system to put our country and our people first.”

He also said those “convicted” of such acts of terror “deserve the strongest penalty allowed by law, including the death penalty in appropriate cases.”

Trump has been quick to call for legislative action in the aftermath of terror attacks, often promoting the need for his controversial travel ban, legislation to dramatically slow down immigration into the US, or the construction of his proposed massive wall along the southern border.

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