Update: Prosecutor General considers notifying the Constitutional Court on the laws of justice. PSD Senator retorts, accuses Supreme Court chairman – The Romania Journal


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Update: Prosecutor General considers notifying the Constitutional Court on the laws of justice. PSD Senator retorts, accuses Supreme Court chairman

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar has announced, Tuesday morning, he is considering the notification of the Constitutional Court of Romania in regard to the laws of justice, amended by Parliament. The Prosecutor General has said a decision will be made this week, hotnews.ro informs.

The Senate is the decisional chamber for the three laws on justice.

On Monday, the first draft bill under discussion – the amendments to the Magistrates’ Statute (Law 303/2004) was adopted by the Lower Chamber and was registered to the Senate. The senators can file amendments by Thursday.

The second draft, to amend Law 304/2004 has received the report at the special committee and is expected to be debated and to receive the final vote in the Chamber of Deputies.

The third draft – to amend Law 317/2004 regarding the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) is in the special committee (aka. Iordache committee). It is expected to be finalised on Tuesday, or on Wednesday at the latest.

All the three draft bills are debated in emergency procedure.

PSD Senator retorts, accuses Supreme Court chairman

Social-democrat Senator Serban Nicolae retorted during the parliamentary legal committee debates on Tuesday, charging Lazar of inadequate statements (‘high rank defendants’ – our note). “It was an insult and it is unacceptable. In any democratic state you would have been dismissed and placed under disciplinary investigation,” Nicolae said.

He also reproached the Supreme Court Chairman, Cristina Tarcea, that she signed a protocol along with CSM and the Public Ministry to join the National Anticorruption Strategy (SNA), claiming it was a ‘shameful’ protocol.

Cristina Tarcea replied that, by the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM), the SNA is binding through a Government decision to the Supreme Court as well, referring to the unification of judicial procedures and the implementation of a system to make the ECHR decisions public.

In turn, Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar said he would not polemize with politicians.

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