Monthly Archives: April 2019

Watch “Bird on a wire-Perla Batalla_ Special_Features “I’m Your Man”” on YouTube

Quadratus lumborum: needs workout everyday

Watch “Sara Bareilles – Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay (cover) – Yahoo Live Concert 05.11.15” on YouTube

Sittin’ in the mornin’ sun
I’ll be sittin’ when the evenin’ come
Watchin’ the ships roll in
And then I’ll watch ’em roll away again

I’m gonna sit on the dock of the bay
Watchin’ the tide roll away
Sit on the dock of the bay wastin’ time, ooh ooh
I left my home in Georgia
Headed for the Frisco bay
‘Cause I’ve got nothing to live for
And nothing’s gonna come my way
I’m gonna sit on the dock of the bay
Watchin’ the tide roll away
Sit on the dock of the bay wastin’ time
Looks like nothing’s gonna change, no no
Everything still remains the same
I can’t do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I’m gonna stay the same, ooh
Sittin’ here restin’ my bones
This loneliness won’t leave me alone
Two thousand miles I roam
Just to make this dock my home, yeah
I’m gonna sit at the dock of the bay
Watchin’ the tide roll away, ooh
I’m a sit on the dock of the bay wastin’ time
I’m gonna sit on the dock of the bay!
Wastin’ time, wastin’ time, wastin’ time
Songwriters: Steve Cropper / Otis Redding
(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group

Watch “Hugh Laurie – Saint James Infirmary (Let Them Talk, A Celebration of New Orleans Blues)” on YouTube

It was down by old Joe’s barroom, on the corner of the square
They were serving drinks as usual, and the usual crowd was there
On my left stood Big Joe McKennedy, and his eyes were bloodshot red
And he turned his face to the people, these were the very words he said

I was down to St. James infirmary, I saw my baby there
She was stretched out on a long white table,
So sweet, cool and so fair
Let her go, let her go, God bless her
Wherever she may be
She may search this whole wide world over
Never find a sweeter man as me
When I die please bury me in my high top Stetson hat
Put a twenty dollar gold piece on my watch chain
The gang’ll know I died standing pat
Let her go, let her go God bless her
Wherever she may be
She may search this wide world over
Never find a sweeter man as me
I want six crapshooters to be my pallbearers
Three pretty women to sing a song
Stick a jazz band on my hearse wagon
Raise hell as I stroll along
Let her go Let her go
God bless her
Wherever she may be
She may search this whole wide
World over
She’ll never find a sweeter
Man as me
Songwriters: Joe Primrose / Irving Mills
St. James Infirmary lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Horoscope ♉: 04/27/2019

Horoscope ♉:

It’s certainly clear that you have faith in your actions, Taurus! You feel no fear or doubt as you progress toward your goals, cruising along on calm seas under clear skies. This new atmosphere is likely the product of your renewed commitment. Reward yourself for your accomplishments, by all means, but you should wait a few days before launching a full-fledged celebration.:

Today’s Holiday: Low Sunday

Today’s Holiday:
Low Sunday

The Sunday following the “high” feast of Easter, this is also known as Quasimodo Sunday, Close Sunday, or Low Easterday. “Low” probably refers to the lack of high ritual used on Easter, and not to the low attendance usual on this day. The name Quasimodo Sunday comes from the Introit of the mass which is said on this day. In Latin it begins with the phrase Quasi modo geniti infantes—”As newborn babes….” The famous character Quasimodo in Victor Hugo’s novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, is said to have been found abandoned on this day, which marks the close of Easter week. More…:

Today’s Birthday: James Monroe (1758)

Today’s Birthday:
James Monroe (1758)

Monroe was the fifth president of the US. After serving in the American Revolution, he was elected to the Senate, where he opposed the administration of George Washington. He nevertheless became Washington’s minister to France and later helped to negotiate the Louisiana Purchase. With Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, he developed the principles of US foreign policy later called the Monroe Doctrine. Monroe served two terms as president, presiding in a period that became known as what? More…:

This Day in History: Assassination of Conrad of Montferrat, King of Jerusalem (1192)

This Day in History:
Assassination of Conrad of Montferrat, King of Jerusalem (1192)

Conrad of Montferrat was a northern Italian nobleman and one of the major participants in the Third Crusade. In 1189, he joined Guy of Lusignan at the siege of Akko, but a year later he sought to displace Guy as king of Jerusalem. To establish a claim to the crown, he married Isabella, daughter of Amalric I. In 1192, Conrad was acknowledged as king, but a few days later he was assassinated, and the royal title passed to the two later husbands of his widow. Who killed him? More…:

Quote of the Day: W. Somerset Maugham

Quote of the Day:
W. Somerset Maugham

It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it. More…:

Article of the Day: Yurts

Article of the Day:

Known by different names in different cultures, yurts are circular, domed, portable tents consisting of a framework of poles covered with felt or skins. Used by Mongolian and Turkic nomads of East and Central Asia, these dwellings are designed to be repeatedly dismantled, transported, and rebuilt. Today, the yurt also serves as a nationalistic symbol for many Central Asian groups. What part of the yurt is passed down from father to son and is featured on the Kyrgyz flag and Kazakh coat of arms? More…:

Idiom of the Day: cross (one’s) palm

Idiom of the Day:
cross (one’s) palm

To pay someone, often as a bribe. Watch the video…:

Word of the Day: indispose

Word of the Day:

Definition: (verb) Make unwilling.

Synonyms: disincline

Usage: I did not wish to indispose him still further by an appearance of marked curiosity.:

Watch “V For Vendetta: Remember Remember The Fifth Of November” on YouTube

Julie London, and “Cry Me A River”, ” V for Vendetta”…..and Natalie Portman to complete the circle 🤗😍🤣

Cry Me a River

Song by Julie London

Now you say you’re lonely
You cry the whole night thorough
Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river
I cried a river over you

Now you say you’re sorry
For bein’ so untrue
Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river
I cried a river over you

You drove me, nearly drove me out of my head
While you never shed a tear
Remember, I remember all that you said
Told me love was too plebeian
Told me you were through with me and

Now you say you love me
Well, just to prove you do
Come on and cry me a river, cry me a river
I cried a river over you

I cried a river over you
I cried a river over you

Songwriters: Arthur Hamilton

Cry Me a River lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

Julie London – Wikipedia

Continue reading

Dreamin’ of him

Myco Ultra: what is Beta-Glutan?

The Most Powerful Healing Nutrient Known To Man…
Thrown In The Trash For Decades!

If you or a loved one is suffering from an illness, or a disease… or want to protect yourself from the onslaught of bacterial, viral, and toxic exposure we are encountering today… I urge you to read to the very end.

The information you are about to hear can save the life of a friend, a family member or a colleague.

Hi, I’m Laura Lindsey

I’m the chief nutritionist of Holistic Labs.

And in a matter of minutes, you’ll discover why this letter may hold the SECRET to living the rest of your life free from disease, illness or infection.

In this letter you’ll also discover:

How to rid yourself of any ailment or disease you or a loved one is suffering from.

Even the most severe and “incurable” one’s that doctors have turned their back on.

And become completely disease free for the rest of your life.

Believe it or not, the information in this presentation may be the answer to achieving limitless health and curing all disease.

And the number 1 cause of DEATH and disease and why you must AVOID this at all costs.

WARNING: This is a mistake even medical practitioners make, and it can ruin your chances of a complete healing…

I may be forced to by the powers-that-be, to take this presentation down…

If you come back tomorrow and this letter is no longer free, don’t say I didn’t warn you. So read this right now, while you still can.

I’m about to share a health secret that has been proven to cure (if not provide desperately needed relief) any and all disease, illness or ailment and prevent them from returning.

In fact, even though this might sound impossible now, after you read this letter and do what it says, like thousands of deeply grateful people have before you…

…your doctor, friends and family will be shocked at the staggering recovery your body goes through, almost overnight.

How suddenly, even tumors, and cancer cells can begin to melt away.

How people with asthma can suddenly feel like they are taking the first deep breath in decades.

How clogged and hardened arteries suddenly become as smooth as teflon and as healthy as an athlete’s.

How diabetes sufferers are able to naturally lower their soaring blood sugar and even increase their insulin levels

And that’s just to name a few incredible results.

I’m going to teach you the secret in just a second, but before I do

I need to talk about…

…the big medical lie that’s keeping you, your family, or dear friend from being free from needless suffering NOW.

I think you’ll see why I feel a duty to share it with you.

It can mean the difference between the life and death of someone you love, so stay with me.

What’s the big lie that’s keeping you from healing virtually any disease or illness without the horrible and even devastating side-effects?

The big lie is that a solution for the most devastating, life-altering and fatal diseases today, can only be treated with medical drugs and surgery, and that any natural solution doesn’t exist.

As I’m going to prove to you in just a minute, a natural, inexpensive, non-chemical and non-toxic solution does in fact exist.

The truth is…

…your body already has the amazing power to defend, neutralize and flush out any harmful germ, virus, bacteria or dysfunction.

But not only that, anyone can unleash this powerful healing mechanism for themselves, naturally and easily — which is what your body already wants to do — if you just knew how.

I know this sounds hard to believe, so let me let you in on some secrets doctors don’t want you to know.

If you’re like most folks I’ve helped over the years, every illness you’ve ever been through, has probably followed a variation of this really depressing timeline:

When you were younger you would maybe get a cold or even the flu.

But you would recover like it was nothing. You were invincible.

You had all this great energy and you never gave it a second thought.

Then you got older, and started noticing more aches and pains.

Maybe you developed arthritis, or you noticed more people you knew developing cancer.

Or even dying from cancer.

You start seeing peers and colleagues developing “blood sugar problems” or diabetes.

And when you, or the people you love, go to the doctor to get help, it seems the onlysolution is to take one drug or another.

And when you learn about the side effects of those drugs, and the high cost of medication…

…you wonder what is worse — getting the side-effects, or being broke.

Suddenly, it’s like all your options for a healthy and vibrant life are gone.

You either live with it, or live in fear of it getting worse.

I’ve talked to dozens of clients about this and over and over again, we hit the same pattern. As soon as you reach a certain age, it’s like a switch goes off in your body.

It suddenly starts to take longer to recover.

And really well-meaning people suddenly get repeatedly told,”eat more vegetables” or “exercise more”.

Or… “You need to lose weight.”

Really? REALLY???

Or maybe you hear… “We need to start you on this medication”or “We need to schedule your for surgery”.

Or even worse… to hear these bone-chilling words,

“I’m sorry, there is no cure.”

The medical hamster-wheel is a horrible place.

You are put on one medication after another.

But only after your body has built a resistance to the previous medication and it doesn’t work anymore.

Or because the side-effects become unbearable.

I don’t know if that sounds familiar to you.

But if it does, you certainly aren’t alone.

Most adults today are trapped in that same hamster-wheel.

So… the big question you’ve probably asked yourself again and again, while you or someone you love is slowly sufferingin pain, or as you struggle with costly seasonal ailments that make life miserable, is:

“Isn’t there a better way?”

Why does it seem that every medical solution just managesyour illness rather than curing it.

And the mere mention of a full complete cure is scoffed at eventhough we have the most advanced technology in history.

And then there’s the even bigger question…

Why do some people — and even entire cultures — seem to be immune and completely free from fatal diseases we are dying from today?

Diseases like heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, clogged arteries, AIDS, arthritis, emphysema, Alzheimer’s, depression are virtually non-existent in those cultures.

They seem to live full, energetic and even athletic lives — even into their 70’s.

While the rest of us feel like we lost a genetic lottery.

After years of research and studying thousands of medical case studies

I discovered something that, once you accept
it, will allow you to reverse any illness and
disease-proof your body.

What’s the big discovery?

Okay, this is going to sound crazy to you.

It certainly sounded crazy to me when I was going through the hundreds of case studies.

And it still seemed crazy when I personally saw it naturally reverse illnesses doctors “knew”

couldn’t be cured or even be helped and did it without toxic drugs.

The reason why some people and cultures
manage to live their entire lives without
debilitating illnesses…

…has nothing to do with how “healthy” they eat, how much exercise they get, or their genes.

And it certainly doesn’t have anything to do with the level of medical technology they had.

Almost all medical case studies I read, revealed that the reason why these people were disease-free was because of one particular food.

A substance the rest of us have barely heard about.

What’s the secret food?


Beta-glucans are some of the most powerful healing substances known to man.

They are nutrients found in several different kinds of foods.

But of all the foods they are found in, the GREATEST concentration of beta glucan is found in the roots of mushrooms.

All mushrooms actually have thousands of tiny thread-like roots underneath, that grow into the ground or into whatever the mushroom is growing on.

Those roots, called “Mycelium” are actually what have the strongest and the greatest amount of beta glucans on Earth.

The sad part is that they are usually cut off and thrown away before the mushrooms ever get to the grocery store.

Beta-Glucan is so so powerful that 3 of the
most important drugs EVER made were
derived from beta-glucan.

First is Penicillin, one of the most prescribed antibiotics in the world.

Thanks to penicillin, death rates are 5% what they were in the 1900’s.

The other drug is Cyclosporin.

It’s a drug used in organ transplants. And it’s used to treat diabetes and severe hives.

Third, is Krestin.

Krestin was the #1 anti-cancer therapy in the world.

But what most people don’t know is that each of these medications were created to copy beta-glucans.

How does beta-glucan work?

What is it that makes them turn your immune system into an almost superhuman disease-fighting machine?

Beta-glucans make the body believe it is being invaded by harmful bacteria.

And when the immune system believes it is under attack, it goes into such a state of high alert…

…that your body kills the bacteria and eliminates it from your body.

Over the past 20 years, the number of scientific studies on beta-glucans has been growing because of the sheer power of their results.

If I listed every clinical study done with this powerful healing substance, we’d be here for days.

Documented and published studies that have shown irrefutable proof of beta-glucan’s track record of helping, slowing down or reversing the the most life-altering illnesses of today.

Yes… study after study have shown that beta-glucans have either dramatically reduced these conditions or reversed them completely.

But not just that…

… Beta-glucans have also been PROVEN to block and stop the growth of HIV and AIDS.

So, yes, it is also one of the most powerful anti-viral substances today.

Think of beta-glucans this way — it enters your body, and like a heat-seeking missile, travels through your body, finds disease and infection, kills them and pulls them out of your body.

• Beta-Glucans stimulate white blood cell production which turns your immune system into a powerhouse, ready and equipped to destroy any enemy, harmful germs, virus or bacteria once it enters your body…

• Find, isolate and breakdown man-made chemicals, poisons and other toxins that have entered your body…

• Increase the supply of antioxidants in your body so you can slow down the aging process…

• Prevent the breakdown of collagen, which melts wrinkles off your skin and keeps it as firm and toned as a child…

• Destroy ALL forms of cancer cells by increasing the production of something called interferon.

Remember, the beta-glucans we have studied,have been proven to fight cancer cells, and the HIV virus and stop them from multiplying.

It is practically the Holy Grail as far as healing is concerned.

It’s no wonder many doctors are now calling beta-glucans “the most important wellness discovery of our time”.

Many even say taking beta-glucans daily is more important than vitamins, as it not only gives you a super-charged, natural energy, focus and stamina.

But when your immune system is super-charged with betaglucans, you can remain immune from disease and illness.

And also, as I mentioned earlier, 3 of the most widely used drugs in history were created from mushroom roots.

But that’s not all.

Lentinan is the third most widely prescribed anti-cancer drug in the WORLD.

And it’s made from the beta-glucans extracted from a mushroom-root as well.

So this begs the question…

If Beta-Glucans are so powerful, why don’t we hear about it? Why isn’t it used and prescribed everyday? Why aren’t these mushrooms grown and harvested here and in every part of the world?

Why aren’t beta-glucans in its NATURAL form, a part of our every day lives if it is such a powerful healing substance?

The answer is simple.

It is not profitable.

There is a very good reason why the “powers that be” are trying so hard to direct you away from using a readily natural, available form of therapy that has none of the destructive and debilitating side-effects that modern drugs have.

What would happen to large for-profit hospitals, drug companies and insurance companies, if a simple and inexpensive cure was discovered for that list of ailments ranging from AIDS and the “Big C” to the common cold?

How many drug makers and insurance companies would lose their profits if millions of people just stopped getting sick?

Or even better, were suddenly curedof most disease?

Do you think for one second that this industry really wants that?

No. They want new expensive and prolonged “treatments” to be developed.

Cures kill repeat business, and where is the profit in that?

What about the media outlets that get billions of dollars in ad revenue? Especially since the deregulation that has allowed direct to consumer advertising of prescription medications…

…with that long list of horrific side-effects gat the end of each ad.

What about the politicians that passed such deregulations?

Do you think that they want to lose their wealthy donors?

Donors like the Big Pharma lobbyists who put them in office?

No one in the medical establishment has any financial incentive to “cure” you.

This doesn’t mean the individual doctors are evil greedy people.

After all, there are many doctors fighting the good fight to find natural, alternative methods to today’s health crises and epidemics.

It just means the system is flawed.

You see, the system itself is a disease. A cancer.

And it is feeding off our illness

It’s only incentive is to keep you ill so testing, treatment and profits can continue — forever.

Even though people the world over have been helped and yes, even CURED by beta-glucans.

Now, this is next fact is important for you to know:

This fact may be hard to hear, so please be warned. (But don’t worry, you have a solution at the end of this.)

When we do get sick, or worse, when someone gets a lifethreatening illness like cancer, the current medical solution is to immediately use a drug.

But you see, when a drug or any form of medical treatment like radiation, or surgery, is used, it can kill the harmful invader that is making you sick, but it does NOT, I repeat, it does NOT heal the cells.

Like a nuclear bomb, it obliterates all the harmful bacteria, viruses or germs in one blast.

But it also kills healthy cells TOGETHER with the bacteria, germs or virus.

Imagine the military trying to take out Osama Bin Laden by igniting a nuclear war head on top of his compound.

Yes they would have killed him, but it would have burned the entire city to ashes, and killed all the innocent people as well.

That is what current “treatment” is like.

That’s what happens in your body when foreign, non-natural chemicals, radiation, or even chemotherapy is used to “kill” a disease-causing organism in your body…

…they destroy healthy cells as well.

THAT is why people experience such crazy side-effects from so many of the medical treatments today.

Some recovery patients we hear from even say some of the side-effects are worse than the illness!

You know, those commercials on TV with that long list of side effects? or the “Black-Box” warnings?

Heart palpitations?
Rectal Bleeding?
Impaired coordination?
Sexual Dysfunction?
Blurred vision?

Those side-effects are the death of healthy cells.

The truth behind curing any illness has been and will always be by strengthening your body’s own immune system.

Our own immune systems are more sophisticated than we could ever imagine.

It already has every conceivable way to kill, neutralize and flush out any harmful bacteria, virus or toxin from your body…

…WHILE strengthening healthy cells at the same time.

So how do you get the beta-glucans you need to actually do that?

Great question.

Now, here’s the real answer:

Recent Clinical Studies Prove the Power of Beta-Glucan:

One of the first experiments with beta-glucan occurred in 1975.

Dr. Peter Mansell of the National Cancer Institute

wanted to see if beta-glucans could help treat a dangerous form of skin cancer.

Dr. Mansell gave beta-glucan to nine people with skin cancer.

He was shocked to find that the cancer was reduced in five days!

And, for some people, the cancer was completely healed.

Another test of beta-glucan’s healing power was done on fish.

In the 1980s, the Norwegian salmon industry was devastated by bacterial infections that killed the fish like the black plague. (image of lots of dead fish floating in water)

The salmon were fed antibiotics. But the bacteria began to resist antibiotics.

So, Dr. Jan Raa, from the University of Norway, decided to try something different.

He fed beta-glucans to the fish …and the fishes infections DISAPPEARED.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial conducted byDr. William Browder of Tulane University,

21 patients who had undergone high-risk surgery were given beta-glucans each day for a week.

Dr. Browder and his colleagues wanted to find out if betaglucans could reduce any infections that usually happen after that kind of operation.

Normally, 49% of the patients would get an infection.

Those that received beta-glucans daily?

Only 9% got an infection.

But here’s the really big news…

Of all the patients that got surgery without beta-glucans, 29% of them died.

But out of those who were given beta-glucans, NONE of them died.

And here’s another study…

Scientists at Tulane University School of Medicine tested betaglucans with women who had breast cancer surgery and developed sores on the area where the surgery was.

Beta-glucans were injected directed directly into the sores…

…and all the sores completely healed.

And yet another study…

In a study done at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China

beta-glucan was administered to lung cancer patients who had undergone chemotherapy.

Patients who received the beta-glucan as well as the chemotherapy, had higher survival rates than patients who received only the chemotherapy.

And here’s yet another test:

To test the effect of beta-glucan on fungal infections, scientists at the State University of São Paulo, in Brazil, gave modern, conventional drugs to two test groups.

One of the groups, however, was given beta-glucan intravenously for one year.

At the end of a year, the group that had received beta-glucan did not have a singlerelapse.

With the other group, 60% relapsed and got their fungal infections again!

Members of the beta-glucan group also had lower traces of fungal infection in their blood.

Beta-glucans have also been found to lower cholesterol levels.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) conducted a study to determine if adding beta-glucans to the diet would lower cholesterol levels.

23 volunteers suffering from high cholesterol took part in the study.

In the first week, all were put on a diet in which one group of volunteers received an oat extract with 1% beta-glucan, and another group received an oat extract with 10% beta-glucan.

After three weeks, cholesterol levels in the group that received the 10% of beta-glucans dropped significantly.

Those are just a few of the studies that have been documented that show the staggering power of beta-glucans.

The list of published studies goes on and on.

To use beta-glucans to heal without nasty side-effects, the beta-glucan needs to pass 3 TESTS:

Remember, going to the supermarket and buying a bunch of mushrooms won’t work

because the beta-glucans are contained in the mushroom root — also called the mycelium.

Not in the part of the mushroom we see in stores.

And to get that mycelium from the ground, runs the risk of containing toxic chemicals like pesticides and herbicides.

And that does the exact opposite of what we’re trying to accomplish.

That means that the beta-glucans needed to come from mushroom root that were organically grown and sterilized after harvesting.

That’s Test #1.

Now, it’s a known fact, that consuming mycelium can cause stomach discomfort.

It is very potent stuff and it is common to get cramps or have you running to the bathroom every 15 minutes.

So it had to be in a capsule form.

So we had to use mycelium farms that grew mycelium organically, sterilized them after harvesting and extracted the beta-glucans into a capsule form.

That’s Test #2.

Lastly, we found that different types of mushrooms produced different strains of beta-glucans and different concentrations.

For example, the Agaricus Blazei root had 100 TIMES more beta-glucans than the root of the common white button mushroom.

And, the Agarics Blazei roots had healing properties that were different from another powerhouse mushroom root called Maitake.

In fact, each of the various mushrooms we use had something unique about what they healed.

Like the superheroes we grew up with, each mushroom had a unique super power.

In fact, Dr. Georges M. Halpern, who in his book Healing Mushrooms, recommends that everyone should take a mushroom supplement, also says:

“The idea is to cover as many bases as possible in a single formula. Reishi, Cordyceps, and other medicinal mushrooms each offer different health benefits…. And other unique active substances in the different mushrooms trigger unique receptors of the immune system, or target receptors on microbes or malignant cells. The idea is to feed the body a lot of different active substances derived from unique mushroom sources to lift the immune system relatively quickly.”

Needless to say, the optimum solution was to get a variety of the most potent beta-glucans into the body at the same time.

That’s Test #3.

Unfortunately, as more people are becoming aware of the effectiveness of beta-glucans, many fly by night companies have sprouted up, selling low quality formulations and mushroom extracts that don’t pass the three tests I just listed.

They were too weak to show any effect.

And in some cases, they had no mushroom root extract in them at all!

In one case, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University had analyzed some specimens of “Mushroom Extract Capsules” and they were shocked to find that they contained nothing but rice flour.

And other samples which contained nothing but nutmeg!

We took a different approach.

My team of researchers spent 24 months analyzing hundreds of different sources of the highest quality, and the most potent sources of mushroom-root extracts.

We studied hundreds of studies and reports, put together by respected institutes such as:

• Harvard Medical School…
• The John Hopkins University School of Medicine…
• the National Cancer Center…
• The American Society for Microbiology…

…and many more

We wanted to assemble the perfect kinds of mushroom-root to create the most effective formulation of beta-glucans possible.

Our goal was to develop the most powerful beta-glucan solution ever created.

One that would quickly and efficiently let our bodies absorb beta-glucans and allow it to turn your immune system into an elite disease fighting SWAT team.

Over a hundred different combinations of mushroom-root strands were combined and tested, before we found a winning formula.

A ground breaking formula we call…


MycoUltra, contains 8 unique sources of beta-glucans, and are also the most potent and highest quality sources we could find. Out of 14,000 known mushrooms on planet Earth, only a dozen have the greatest concentration of beta-glucans.

Of those dozen, we found 8 of the most betaglucan-rich mushrooms, whose strains of beta-glucans work synergistically with each other

to create an immune-boosting strength that is far greater than any one of them could ever do on its own.

Because MycoUltra contains 8 of the highest potency betaglucan strains, in a proven formula that we’ve tested for maximum effectiveness…

…it works fast, allowing you to feel the benefits within a matter of days, not weeks or months.

And to be frank with you, this almost bankrupted us.

If we followed the same methods that fly-by-night companies used, we would simply buy, low-quality, extracts from foreign manufacturers, stick a slick, glossy label on it and make much more money.

If we followed the medical model, we’d pay chemists to turn these beta-glucans into a synthetic drug that is cheaper to produce… but comes with a list of toxic side-effects as well.

You see, to find the original source of these mushroom roots, to harvest them, extract each form of beta-glucans in a way to preserve it’s highest potency, is extremely expensive.

But when we heard these stories, we knew it was worth it.

“…this is NOT just a placebo!”

“My partner has HIV. Much to our surprise and delight, within 30 days of taking this, my partner ALSO began to feel MUCH more energetic, and his appetite increased as well! He is looking and feeling MUCH healthier, and is finally starting to gain weight and muscle-tone! (which is very difficult for someone with HIV).

After over 4 months of taking the mushroom supplement, my partner just got his bloodwork done, and discovered that his T-Cells, which have been hovering between 0 and 200 for the last 10 years, are now over 400!!

This would seem to confirm that this is NOT just a placebo!

He is still feeling great, and is continuing to gain muscle mass, due to the fact that all the extra energy he has had lately prompted him to start working out regularly again!

We are both very pleased with these results obviously, and can only attribute it to the mushrooms, since that is the only thing that has changed in his regimen for the last 10 years.”


“Still in utter shock and disbelief about what this product has done for me.”

“Oh my gosh! Still in utter shock and disbelief about what this product has done for me. Having desperately NEEDED to take an inhaled steroid twice a day, every single day… (been on many, the latest being Symbicort), to breathe at least somewhat normally, due to uncontrolled asthma and COPD for the past MANY years, my one desire and prayer, was to find something NATURAL, that would restore my ability to breathe withOUT the use of a steroid of any kind… inhaled or otherwise. I stumbled upon this when doing research on cancer treatment, believe it or not

I found these mushrooms were supposed to help with breathing, lung function, inflammation, endurance, stamina, etc. I decided to try them for my breathing problems.

And to my COMPLETE AMAZEMENT, just TWO days into taking them, and one full week later, STILL in disbelief, I NO LONGER NEED SYMBICORT AT ALL! NO STEROIDS AT ALL! I’m no longer short of breath, or experiencing trouble breathing PERIOD!”


“…this stuff prevented my hair from falling off.”

I read an article about medicinal mushrooms and all the health benefits that they provide. I have to say, aside from all the benefits this stuff prevented my hair from falling off.

I’m 47 with a full head of hair, and , the little that would fall off just stopped after taking medicinal mushrooms. Not saying it’ll do the same for everyone. But, that’s what it did for me.”


It’s crazy to think that ten years ago even most doctors had no idea what beta-glucans were or how powerful it was.

MycoUltra and the results speak for themselves.

We receive letters like this every single day from people who have had their lives transformed by this simple but powerful treatment.

There are five reasons why MycoUltra has become the most powerful source of betaglucans today.

1) We carefully chose sources that are measured for the highest potency.

This keeps money in your pocket by allowing you to get a lot of benefit from a few capsules.

With weaker products, you end up spending many times more simply because you have to use so many more capsules and you are forced to keep ordering more.

2) MycoUltra is gluten and lactose free.

Now, THIS is very important.

Many companies use fillers in their capsules that contain gluten or lactose which can actually upset your stomach and cause allergic reactions.

Not only is MycoUltra gluten free and lactose free…

…it is also free of any wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, or crustacean shellfish.

AND, it is totally vegan friendly.

We wanted MycoUltra to be available to as many people as possible.

3) We sourced each mushroom strain only from organically grown harvests.

Remember, if the mushroom supplement you are using contains pesticides, and herbicides, it will defeat the purpose.

Not only that, those herbicides and pesticides are known carcinogens, meaning they are known to cause cancer.

Who wants to swallow “cancer pills”? We don’t. And we don’t want you to either.

Every bottle of MycoUltra contains beta-glucans that are from organically grown mushrooms.

So you will get the purest form of beta-glucans you will find.

4) We use a formulation of 8 mushroom strains rather than one single mushroom to create the unique synergistic effect you will experience once you start taking them.

By stacking the different strains of beta-glucans, your immune system gets fortified against the greatest variety of infections, bacteria and illnesses.

5) The fifth reason is something I’m sure you’ll appreciate.

You see, the problem with many mushrooms, especially the good ones is that they give you nasty breath sometimes so bad it can fill up a room.

We addressed that challenge with MycoUltra taking special care to make it hygiene-friendly so you can take it daily without worrying at all..

MycoUltra is the only mushroom supplement formula on the market to meet these strict qualifications.

That’s why so many doctors and nutrition specialists recommend MycoUltra to their patients.

I’d like to invite you to try MycoUltra for yourself, completely risk-free.

When we finalized this formula our biggest fear was that because it contains such high-end mushroom strains, it could one day become too expensive to produce and offer to the public at a reasonable price.

So instead of putting it in stores, we decided to go a different route.

We decided to deliver directly to you, the consumer, and cut out the middle man.

It’s the only way we can maintain our stringent quality standards and get you the best beta-glucan formula at a price that is affordable.

That is why we are very excited to be able to offer MycoUltra at just $97 for a two month supply.

That’s right, each bottle we produce lasts for two whole months.

You can take more, if you want. And you can take less if you want. It is completely safe.

Since you’re watching this presentation, you have a chance to get it with a special offer right now.

This special is just for the next 24 hours and for new customers only.

Because we want as many people to try MycoUltra as possible, so they can see the benefits for themselves…

…we are allowing those who order through this presentation, and for the next 24 hours only, to try MycoUltra for just $67.

You save $30 a bottle over our regular price.

The $67 is just a one-time charge.

We never do any sort of auto-billing or continuous shipping. What you see is what you get.

Best of all, you’ll be grandfathered in at this price on all future orders you decide to make with us even if our regular price goes up.

That means, that no matter how many times you order MycoUltra, regardless of how much the price increases in the near future,

you will only pay this low price — while others will have to pay the higher price.

That’s just $1.12 a day to feel your best, and get your immune systems running the way it was designed — like a well-oiled germ-killing machine.

That’s a whole lot cheaper than buying a veggie juice every day, or a cup of Starbucks to get your daily “perk-me-up”.

Imagine flu season when you’ll be able to save on the over-thecounter medications you were forced to buy for you, or your kids, or your spouse.

You also save on your food costs as you are no longer craving sugary snacks.

And let’s not forget, the lost income from missing work.

All that will be a thing of the past.

Yet, for today, you will be receiving MycoUltra together with some extra gifts…

Just for watching this presentation, I’d like to give you free of charge, this value-add bonus to help you banish disease and illness even faster!

The first gift you’ll be receiving today is

UltraImmunity: Your Guide to Live Longer, Stronger, and Disease Free

I feel it’s important to help you truly understand how your immune system works and all the natural ways you can defend yourself from infection, illness, disease and viruses.

So that is why I’m including my book, Ultra Immunity completely free.

With UltraImmunity, I will show you:

• How the overuse of antibiotics has weakened our immune system and made us vulnerable to the newer and deadlier diseases we are seeing today.

• How to use food as nature’s medicine. Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Well, I show you how to do that.

• I show you how to incorporate what is called a “Mircrodense” diet to flush out toxic waste sludge in your blood that leaves your body exposed and naked to foreign invaders, and even cancer.

(In fact, I show you research that reveals how our very own DNA changes at a molecular level and opens the door to cancer.)

• I also explain, is simple terms, what angiogenesis is, and how it helps reduce tumor growth… and the simple, natural and holistic ways to create it.

And that’s just the beginning.

Normally, this important book sells sells for $37.

It it yours FREE, when you order MycoUltra today.

That’s right, just by ordering MycoUltra, you will be able to download Ultra Immunity right away.

And it is yours to keep even if you decide to return MycoUltra.

I am on a mission to reverse the dwindling quality of life people are suffering due to an ever weakening immune system.

By now, I’m sure you can see why the MycoUltra alone, is a an incredible value…

However, just for reading this letter, I have a another, bonus I’ll tell you about in a minute…

Now, when you chose the option that suits you best, you’ll be taken to our secure server which is encrypted with the latest 228-bit security for your total protection.

Simply select the MycoUltra package that is right for you.

Yes, I want to be disease free!

You are covered by our 30 days 100% satisfaction guarantee.

4 Bottles

(60 Caps Per Bottle)

$47/Bottle Save $80


+ $14.95 Shipping

2 Bottles

(60 Caps Per Bottle)

$57/Bottle Save $20


+ $9.95 Shipping

1 Bottle

(60 Caps Per Bottle)


+ $5.95 Shipping

Just fill in your shipping and payment information, and we’ll rush MycoUltra to your door.

My Personal Guarantee

We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction that’s why MycoUltra comes with a 30-day, no questions asked full money back guarantee.

If after taking MycoUltra, you don’t see dramatic improvements to your health and overall wellness simply send back the unused portion for a fast and full refund.

We feel you should give it at least one month to allow MycoUltra to work it’s magic, as some have more repair that is needed than others.

Feel free to use the entire bottle if you want.

If you’re not satisfied, you can even send us back the empty bottle and we’ll still give you a full no questions asked refund. We are that confident you will experience life-changing results.

So click on the link below now to try MycoUltra at the special introductory price, totally risk-free.

You’ll join hundreds of Success Stories, like these…

“I was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer in April 2010, I started taking this in Dec…. I am still here and my cancer is stable. I have a certain cancer mutation which means I have less drug options and a theoretical 6 month shorter life span than those with the mutation. Sadly for my cancer buddies, I am doing much better and have outlived most. I only take this and an oragnic vitamin and probiotic.… I have tried other supplements but they cause various side effects. I think it is a life saver and I would never give it up.” Donna

“I went from getting seriously sick 5-6 times a year to getting only very mild colds a couple of times a year. The difference is life changing. Even when I do get sick now, it’s not debilitating. I only get a sore throat and a bit run down. No endless congestion and suffering.” Jay

“I work in special education and though I love the kids, they haven’t quite mastered covering their mouth when coughing and sneezing, nor do they like to wash their hands. I usually got sick several times a year, even after getting a flu shot. I heard about this product to boost immunity, so I tried it. During the three months I used it, my allergies rarely bothered me, I only used my inhaler once and I never got sick. Over the summer I ran out and figured I’d wait till fall to get more. I ended up getting a cough 3 weeks after school started. I ordered more right away and the left-congestion did not linger. I have never really been excited about supplements until now.” Lee

OK, I’ve got one more surprise for you…

it’s only valid if you act today, before leaving this page…

…I’m going to include this SUPER BONUS worth $27… absolutely FREE:

It is called:

Ultra Immunity Foods:

You’ll discover the 25 foods that strengthen the body’s six “immunity centers” and help heal and reverse the most common ailments.

Focusing on the top 25 foods provides a simple plan that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle.

For each food on the list,

• I show you each variety you can find, just in case you live in another part of the world where it goes by a different name or is a different strain.

• I explain why each leads to super immunity as well as all the other health-producing benefits each food possesses.

• But most importantly, I show you how to buy, store and prepare these power-foods.

Together with MycoUltra and UltraImmunity, you can say goodbye to illness and fear for the rest of your life.

And THAT brings your Total Value to over $130…

Yet, just by taking action today, MycoUltra, with all the bonuses, is yours for only $67…

Oh, and before I go, I feel it’s important I tell you about one more thing.

It’s important we talk about the cost of not supporting your immune system.

Being exposed and vulnerable to germs, bacteria, viruses, and cancer causing chemicals, is not a problem that fixes itself.

If you, or someone you care about, is currently suffering from an ailment, illness, or routinely gets sick during certain seasons, then chances are, you are one of the 80% of Americans who doesn’t have the support their immune system really needs.

Unless you are willing to make an immediate drastic change to your lifestyle and diet, this will only get worse as your body gets older and loses it’s ability to defend itself.

Think of it this way:

Imagine if all of a sudden you decided to jog 20 miles a day but starve yourself at the same time.

Your muscles would slowly start to waste away.

That is what goes on with your immune system when it’s overtaxed, but not supported.

Your immune system is the center of your entire physical well-being.

It is the a system you CANNOT live without and cannot be replaced.

Everyday, we and the people we take care of, are surrounded by harmful bacteria, viruses, germs, toxins and cancer-causing chemicals.

The only time we get sick, catch a cold or the flu, or tragically, when someone develops a life-threatening illness like cancer…

…it is when the immune system gets weak long enough for a foreign invader to take hold inside our bodies.

Unsupported, a weakened immune system could begin to affect your health in ways I would never wish upon anyone.

The scariest part is that with outbreaks, sprouting up every year like the swine flu, avian flu, e.coli, and ebola, and with people dying unnecessarily from them…

…when something so simple can be done everyday to prevent it, it’s vital you get thishandled now before it’s too late.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to fight back against the effects of stress, diet and a hectic lifestyle on our immune system.

Simply take MycoUltra daily.

Within just a few days you’ll feel exciting changes in your life.

• You’ll find yourself sleep better and wake up more refreshed, but with new exciting energy — where you feel ready to take on the world.

• You no longer feel foggy or find yourself getting sick when you normally would — even if it seems everyone around you is falling under the weather.

• You end up losing some aches and pains you’ve gotten used to for years.

• Excess and stubborn weight may also begin to fall off as your body as your metabolism speeds up and gets younger from the inside.

• It’s also common for your sex drive to go up as your body feels younger, sexier and more vibrant.

I can’t tell you exactly when it will happen.

It may be in a few days, or it could take a few weeks, but it certainly will happen.

It’s something I call “The Magic Moment.”

The magic moment is when you wake up one day and realize that something is different.

Your senses feel more powerful. You are more alert, centered and on-point.

The air feels crisp and your mind feels alive.

Like a switch inside your body was off for a long time, and has suddenly switched on.

Then you realize that’s the way we humans were supposed to feel all along.

It’s a feeling you can’t really put a price on.

Our health is our most precious asset.

Without it we can’t truly enjoy anything else.

Isn’t it time you give yourself the gift of a strong, vigorous immune system…

…that lets you be free of disease and illness, feeling your best and live the long healthy joyful life you deserve.

Click the option that suits you below… and click on the link now and give MycoUltra a try.

With this risk-free offer you have nothing to lose.

Again, once you click the option that suits you best, you will be taken to the next page that looks like this: (show image of page)

All you need to do is enter your information and finalize your order there.

Then, in a few days, you will receive a package in the mail.

Then you can begin living a new life.

Again, this has been Laura Lindsey, Chief Nutritionist of Holistic Labs.

Thank you for your time. I really hope you’ll take action now and join us.

“What are the ingredients of MycoUltra? You mentioned 8 medicinal mushrooms. What are they?

Out of thousands of known mushroom species on our planet, there are only about a dozen that are highly concentrated in the specific beta-glucans that turn your immune system into an impenetrable fortress.

In fact, the amount of beta-glucans from these mushrooms are greater than all the beta-glucans found in ALL other mushrooms COMBINED.

I’ll list them in NO particular order.

One of the mushrooms we use is Maitake.

Maitake has been proven to help control diabetes; lose weight; lower cholesterol; is proven to fight the HIV virus, help control high blood pressure, fights prostate and bladder cancer and protects the liver.

Next is Reishi.

Reishi has been used as a pain-reliever; to reduce allergic reactions, as an expectorant to treat coughs, prevent bronchitis, as an anti-inflammatory, as an antibacterial against Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Streptococcus pneumoniae;

as a powerful antioxidant; to treat and reduce tumors activity, as an antiviral including successfully fighting HIV, lowers badcholesterol, and lowers blood pressure.

Cordyceps is another mushroom we used.

This mushroom attained some fame, if not notoriety, from the 1993 Olympics in Beijing, where 3 world records were broken by Chinese female athletes.

Everyone thought they had been taking steroids. But as it turns out, they were not. However, there were taking cordyceps extract.

As a health supplement, it is known to increase energy and vitality.

Cordyceps is one of the safest medicinal foods. It is used to treat liver diseases, cancer, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, bronchial problems, anemia, tuberculosis, jaundice, emphysema, infertility, and sexual dysfunction.

Trametes Versicolor, also called “Turkey Tail”, is another mushroom extract we included.

Trametes Versicolor has the distinction of being the mushroom from which one of the world’s leading anticancer drugs, Krestin, is derived.

Although Krestin has not been approved for use by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it was the bestselling anticancer drug in Japan for much of the 1980s.

Krestin was the first mushroom-derived anticancer drug to be approved by the Japanese government’s Health and Welfare Ministry, the equivalent of the FDA. All ‘health-care plans in Japan cover members’ purchases of Krestin.

In a 10-year study of 185 lung cancer patients who were undergoing radiotherapy, Japanese doctors administered Krestin to roughly half the patients (the others got a placebo).

The idea was to see whether Krestin could boost the cancer patients’ white blood cell activity and thereby strengthen their immune systems.

After 10 years, 39% of patients who had Stage I or II lung cancer and took Krestin survived, while only 16% survived in the non-Krestin group.

Of Stage III cancer patients, 22% survived in the Krestin group, but only 5% of the patients who did not take Krestin survived.

But not only that, Trametes Versicolor is used to treat lung infections, excess phlegm, and hepatitis.

Agaricus Blazei is the other mushroom we used.

Many scientists believe that the beta-glucans in this mushroom are more potent than that of other mushrooms I’ve already mentioned.

Clinical interest with Agaricus blazei began when a study showing anti-tumor activity by the mushroom, was presented at a convention at the Japanese Cancer Association in 1980.

In the study, Agaricus Blazei was reported to have higher levels of beta-glucan than Maitake, Reishi mushrooms and the other mushrooms listed here.

Another unique aspect of the beta-glucans in Agaricus Blazei, is its unique ability to cut off the blood supply to tumors and thus starve them.

Hericium Erinaceus, also called Lion’s Mane, is another mushroom extract we included.

This mushroom extract has been found in double-blind studies to stop the spread of and even reduce stomach, esophageal, and skin cancer.

It also has been found to regenerate nerve tissue in the brain, which in turn fights against Alzheimer’s.

Not only that, it has been found to stop tumor growth and even shrink it.

Antrodia Camphorata, also called, Stout Camphor is the other mushroom extract included in McyoUltra.

It helps prevent the spread of skin cancer, prevents the growth of tumors and breast cancer by reducing the effect of excess estrogen in the body.

Antrdia camphorate also protects the liver against toxicity and liver fibrosis and also has shown a high amount of antiviral activity against the hepatitis B virus.

Last, we included the King Trumpet mushroom, or Pleurotus eryngii.

The King Trumpet extract is a powerful anti fungal, an anti virus and one of the most powerful antioxidants. It has also been shown to significantly reduce cholesterol levels.

With these 8 mushroom extracts MycoUltra is easily the most powerful and NATURAL immune system defense supplements in the market today.

“What does it taste like? Is it easy to swallow?”

This was an issue we heard from many people who want the incredible benefits of medicinal mushrooms.

And yes.

Because we took the time and expense to find the most potent and concentrated ingredients, we did not need to use large capsules. Even small doses can pack a tremendous punch and be easy to swallow.

The capsules will be easy to swallow and still give you the fastest and most dramatic results possible.

“I’ve smelled some of the medicinal mushrooms. They smell foul. Will these capsules smell foul as well?”

Not at all. It’s true that several medicinal mushrooms have a very strong, pungent smell that can be offensive.

But because we are dealing with the extracts of the mushroom root, there is no odor at all.

This, by the way, is one of the reasons, we wanted to make it possible for you to take MycoUltra mushrooms in capsule form. You can avoid these potentially uncomfortable and even embarrassing issues.

“I noticed an alertness, but without any caffine-like feelings…”

“I tried two caps (376mg each) with lunch daily. I work at a desk job and get very tired after lunch. Within a day, I noticed an alertness, but without any caffine-like feelings. Infact, I felt nothing strange, except I was wide awake during a time of day that is usually difficult for me. I also began to notice I slept very well throughout the night. Now, I am going to start buying them here at this fantastic price!” ~Ali

“My endurance has increased by 50%…”

“I’ve been taking 3 capsules a day to increase my oxygen intake while running. My endurance has increased by 50%.” Lori

“I have not had a cold in almost 5 years since taking this” ~Herman

“My lungs were working easier and had less wheezing…”

“Have asthma and am trying to reduce inhaler use. This product does seem to do that. My lungs were working easier and had less wheezing while using it. Will definitely continue using it.”

“I can feel such a difference after a few days…”

“I can feel such a difference after a few days of taking them. I have Lyme disease and I feel it really helps boost my immune system.” Jacqueline

“My knees used to get a bit swollen after doing a long walk, but not anymore.” ~Mike

“…most effective remedy I’ve bought in a long time…”

“This is the most effective remedy I’ve bought in a long time. I have inflammation in my throat (it was thyroid) and its causing sleep apnea at night, and I’ve not able to sleep well at all. Tried this twice, I can already tell it is helping, I actually was able to sleep better without waking up. It also makes me feel mentally brighter and betterand I know this is the reason. This works.” ~Shelly

“I would heartily recommend this product.” ~Greg

“helps maintain a healthy blood pressure”

“I feel like taking it helps to control my stress and helps keep my temper down and helps maintain a healthy blood pressure.” ~June

“I have not had a cold in almost 5 years since taking this” ~Herman

“My arthritis pain in my fingers is gone…”

“My arthritis pain in my fingers is gone. This is a great product and I shall continue to take it.” ~Sandy

“I noticed the difference almost immediately”

“When I started to use this product I noticed the difference almost immediately. I could sleep better, I felt more like myself again.” ~Maria

“It has improved my diabetes and hypertension” ~Paul

“…my energy levels have improved, I can eat a wider variety of food…”

“Since I started taking it my energy levels have improved, I can eat a wider variety of food, I sleep better at night, I have less anxiety, and my hair has started to return to it’s natural color.” ~Elizabeth

“I felt better than I had in years…”

“I have NAFLD. When I was diagnosed, I had to go on a diet. But once I did I became so weak that I couldn’t walk around, I always felt like I was going to blackout. Everything I ate made me sick. So i was bedridden for two months. I was at my limit. I thought I would feel better after resting, but I was always fatigued. I was sad, my family was sad that I didn’t feel better, that I wasn’t showing improvement…. A day after taking it, I was stronger and was able to leave the house, the day after that I felt better than I had in years.

“My body recovers faster…”

“I have a very active lifestyle (Military, Crossfit, etc) and noticed my body recovers faster from the physical abuse of my lifestyle” ~Clew

“Are there any side effects from MycoUltra?”

There are no harmful side effects at all.

Occasionally, some people feel extra sleepy or extra energetic when they start taking it.

Think of it this way: whatever was blocked in your body will start to get released.

If you were exhausted, but your nervous system was “wired,” then your body has not had a chance to deeply relax for a very long time.

When MycoUltra starts to restore balance through your body, that pent up exhaustion can suddenly be released.

And this can feel like a sudden sleepiness.

The best thing to do in this case is to just let yourself sleep and get caught up. There is nothing else to be alarmed by.

If your body’s energy signals from the brain were blocked because of poor brain health, they can also be pent up, and when they are released, you can feel a sudden surge of energy.

Some people were not ready for this and they ended up staying up later than they would have liked.

That will normalize very soon.

To be safe, you can avoid taking MycoUltra at dinner time so you don’t run the risk of being too awake at bedtime.

But after a few days, your should be find to take it anytime.

You can also experience something called a “healing crisis.” Don’t worry, it’s not really a crisis. It is just a name for what some people experience when they rapidly heal in a natural way.

Sometimes, during a healing, you can feel drowsy and tired. Sometimes, you can experience symptoms of an old illness. That is just a sign that that illness is finally leaving your body.

“Are the ingredients safe? They sound like scary chemicals.”

Yes, they are absolutely safe. Every single ingredient is something your body already produces. There just isn’t enough of it.

As we age, and as we continue to eat a poor diet, not get enough rest, or not get enough exercise, the levels of these chemicals in our body start to drop.

All we are doing with MycoUltra, is replenishing them with extremely high quality supplements.

Click on the link now and give MycoUltra a try. With this riskfree offer you have nothing to lose.

Refund Policy | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Contact | Product Label

The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your doctor.

Watch “Shirley Bassey “Cry Me a River”” on YouTube

Now you say you’re lonely
You cry the whole night thorough
Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river
I cried a river over you

Now you say you’re sorry
For bein’ so untrue
Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river
I cried a river over you
You drove me, nearly drove me out of my head
While you never shed a tear
Remember, I remember all that you said
Told me love was too plebeian
Told me you were through with me and
Now you say you love me
Well, just to prove you do
Come on and cry me a river, cry me a river
I cried a river over you
I cried a river over you
I cried a river over you
Songwriters: Arthur Hamilton
Cry Me a River lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

Watch “Doris Day – Dream A Little Dream of Me” on YouTube

Ralph’s stores: give market share to Argentina’s yerba mate Taragüy!

Watch “Somewhere in Time (1980) Retrospective / Review” on YouTube

Watch “Pianist in tears!!!. Most moving piano performance.” on YouTube

Another Godly Composition: Watch “Martha Argerich – Prokofiev Piano Concerto No. 3 [2018]” on YouTube

Horoscope ♉: 04/26/2019

Horoscope ♉:

The outlook for today is excellent, Taurus. The current alignment of the planets and the somewhat oppressive atmosphere of the past few days inspire you to change your surroundings and visit new places. Why not plan a little trip? All signs indicate that now is the best time for such an adventure. If you delay, you will feel stuck in the same old routine again.:

Today’s Holiday: Maryland Hunt Cup

Today’s Holiday:
Maryland Hunt Cup

A steeplechase that has been run in Maryland since 1894, the Hunt Cup is considered the premier such horse race in America and one of the toughest steeplechases in the world. It’s a timber race: the jumps are over stout post-and-rail fences rather than hedges as in the English Grand National. The course is four miles long and has 22 fences, none of which are jumped twice. Tailgate parties are held before the race, and a hunt ball after it is attended by riders, trainers, jockeys, owners, and members of the two local hunt clubs. More…:

Today’s Birthday: Mary Wollstonecraft (1759)

Today’s Birthday:
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759)

Wollstonecraft was an English author who turned to writing while teaching and working as a governess and as a translator for a London publisher. She was an early proponent of educational equality between men and women, and her most important book, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, is widely regarded as the founding document of modern feminism. In 1797, she married the philosopher William Godwin. She died days after the birth of their daughter, who went on to become what famous writer? More…:

This Day in History: Sierra Leone Granted Independence from the UK (1961)

This Day in History:
Sierra Leone Granted Independence from the UK (1961)

The capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown, was founded on the coast of West Africa by British abolitionists in 1787 as a haven for freed and runaway slaves. It became a British colony in 1808, and the region became a British protectorate in 1896. It achieved independence in 1961 and became a republic 10 years later, but with independence came a series of military coups. An 11-year civil war marked by horrific atrocities further devastated the country and ended in 2002. What has occurred since then? More…:

Quote of the Day: Mark Twain

Quote of the Day:
Mark Twain

Nothing exists; all is a dream. God—man—the world—the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars—a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing exists save empty space—and you!…And you are not you—you have no body, no blood, no bones, you are but a thought. More…:

Article of the Day: Bat Bombs

Article of the Day:
Bat Bombs

During WWII, a dentist named Lytle Adams proposed a new method of aerial attack to the US military: the bat bomb. The plan called for containers filled with hundreds of bats fitted with small incendiary devices to be dropped over Japanese cities at dawn, a time when the nocturnal creatures would be inclined to find somewhere to roost. Shortly thereafter, the timed devices would detonate, creating widespread fires and chaos. How was his proposal received by government and military officials? More…:

Idiom of the Day: cross (one’s) bows

Idiom of the Day:
cross (one’s) bows

To annoy or irritate. Watch the video…:

Word of the Day: upstart

Word of the Day:

Definition: (noun) A person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class.

Synonyms: arriviste, nouveau-riche, parvenu

Usage: He is an upstart, a man of no name, who will only be the tool of a party in France.:

Watch “Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong: Dream A Little Dream Of Me” on YouTube

Happy Birthday Ella!

Another sin worshiper: this bird loves what she it’s doing!

10 minutes of foam rolling…to help your mudcle relax after exercize

What do you think?

Stroke is an EMERGENCY! Learn about the signs!!!

Horoscope ♉: 04/25/2019

Horoscope ♉:

Some of your job responsibilities are too much for one person and they might weigh you down today, Taurus. The pile of work seems to get steadily bigger no matter what you do. Delegate if you can. Put the least urgent tasks aside and work your way steadily the rest. Your employer may or may not expect too much of you, but you’re entitled to your sanity no matter what.:

Today’s Holiday: Arbor Day

Today’s Holiday:
Arbor Day

Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), one of the earliest American conservationists, settled on the treeless plains of Nebraska in 1855. Morton began planting trees and urged his neighbors to do the same. On April 10, 1872, when he proposed that a day be set aside for planting trees, the response was overwhelming: a million trees were planted in Nebraska on that day alone. All 50 states now observe Arbor Day—usually on the last Friday in April. Most observances take place in the public schools, where the value of trees is discussed and trees and shrubs are planted. More…:

Today’s Birthday: John James Audubon (1785)

Today’s Birthday:
John James Audubon (1785)

Audubon was a US ornithologist and artist known for his drawings and paintings of North American birds. After failing in business, he concentrated on compiling his extraordinary four-volume Birds of America, published between 1827 and 1838. Though his bird poses are sometimes unrealistic—the result of painting dead birds wired into position—and some details are inaccurate, his studies were fundamental to New World ornithology. How many bird species are featured in Birds of America? More…:

This Day in History: Tanganyika and Zanzibar Merge to Form Tanzania (1964)

This Day in History:
Tanganyika and Zanzibar Merge to Form Tanzania (1964)

Located in central East Africa, Tanzania has been inhabited by humans or their ancestors perhaps longer than any other place on Earth, with hominid fossils discovered there dating back over two million years. The country of Tanzania is a more recent development, forming in 1964 with the merger of two newly independent republics—Tanganyika and Zanzibar. The former leaders of Tanganyika and Zanzibar then became Tanzania’s first president and vice president. What is Tanzania’s official language? More…:

Quote of the Day: W. Somerset Maugham

Quote of the Day:
W. Somerset Maugham

Considering how foolishly people act and how pleasantly they prattle, perhaps it would be better for the world if they talked more and did less. More…:

Article of the Day: Retroviruses

Article of the Day:

A retrovirus is a type of RNA virus that reproduces itself by transcribing its DNA into the genetic material of the host cell. These viruses are therefore used as vectors by genetic engineers to import foreign DNA into certain cells. Retroviruses sometimes destroy the cells whose DNA they alter, as with HIV, and sometimes cause them to become cancerous, as with the viruses that cause certain leukemias. What enables retroviruses to rapidly develop resistance to antiviral drugs? More…:

Idiom of the Day: cowboy up

Idiom of the Day:
cowboy up

To act tough and determined, like a stereotypical cowboy. Watch the video…:

Word of the Day: headliner

Word of the Day:

Definition: (noun) A performer who receives prominent billing.

Synonyms: star

Usage: My sister moved to New York with dreams of becoming a headliner on Broadway.:

Twitter Analytics account overview for georgebost




Do you think they are right, they can do this?

Some people are born into grace! Some pay forward, while most of us only enjoy, as consumers

Check out @KTHopkins’s Tweet:



via Omni calculator FOR EVERYTHING YOU NEED

They have a calculator for everything: Total Body Water Calculation – Omni Calculator

About Omni Calculator Project

In a surprisingly large part, our reality consists of calculable problems. Should I buy or rent? What’s my ideal calorie intake? Can I afford to take this loan? How many lemonades do I need to sell in order to break even? Often times we don’t solve these problems, because we lack knowledge, skills, time or willingness to calculate. And then we make bad, uninformed decisions.

Omni Calculator is here to change all that – we are working on a technology that will turn every* calculation-based problem trivial to solve for anyone.

Check out my brain profile on The Free Dictionary:

Check out my brain's power!

Check out my brain’s power!


Check out my brain profile on The Free Dictionary:

Check out my brain profile on The Free Dictionary:

Neve too late to start!

I got 100% on Mismatch! Can you?

I got 100% on Mismatch! Can you?