Tag Archives: Ann Althouse

this day in the yesteryear: US Supreme Court Decides Bush v. Gore (2000)

US Supreme Court Decides Bush v. Gore (2000)

The Supreme Court’s decision in this case ended Florida‘s statewide recount of ballots cast in the 2000 US presidential election and allowed its Secretary of State to certify Republican candidate George W. Bush as the winner of Florida’s 25 electoral votes. Despite the fact that Democratic candidate Al Gore had won the popular vote, the decision in Florida gave Bush a majority of the Electoral College and with it the US presidency. What reason did the court cite for stopping the recount? More… Discuss

this pressed for your right to know: Obama’s Immigration Action Has Precedents, but May Set a New One – NYTimes.com

Photo In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed the so-called “amnesty” law passed by Congress that granted legal status to three million undocumented immigrants, and then acted on his own the following year to expand it to about 100,000 more. Credit Ron Edmunds/Associated Press

Obama’s Immigration Action Has Precedents, but May Set a New One

Obama’s Immigration Action Has Precedents, but May Set a New One


President Obama’s action to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation and grant them work permits opens a new front in the decades-long debate over the scope of presidential authority.

Although Mr. Obama is not breaking new ground by using executive powers to carve out a quasi-legal status for certain categories of unauthorized immigrants — the Republican Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush all did so — his decision will affect as many as five million immigrants, far more than the actions of those presidents.

Mr. Obama’s action is also a far more extensive reshaping of the nation’s immigration system.

“The magnitude and the formality of it is arguably unprecedented,” said Peter J. Spiro, a Temple University law professor. “It’s fair to say that we have never seen anything quite like this before in terms of the scale.”

via Obama’s Immigration Action Has Precedents, but May Set a New One – NYTimes.com.