Tag Archives: Blood

New Antibiotic Could Stop Superbugs

New Antibiotic Could Stop Superbugs

Scientists this week announced the discovery of an antibiotic that could prove to be effective against drug-resistant infections caused by superbugs like MRSA. The antibiotic, called teixobactin, works by binding to multiple targets, which may slow the resistance process. Derived from uncultured bacteria, teixobactin has been patented by NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals. Although the antibiotic has shown promise in trials on mice, experts say it is yet to be determined whether it will be effective in humans. More… Discuss

Periodic Graphics: Scents Of The Season

the scents of the season

Periodic Graphics: Scents Of The Season

Chemical educator and Compound Interest blogger Andy Brunning explores the molecular basis of holiday smells

the scents of the season

the scents of the season


this pressed for hope: Immune system reboot takes center stage | MLive.com


Mlive.com file| photoSue Schroder

First, a word about what we have and who we are from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, www.lls.org and the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Statistics Review:

Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) are types of cancer that can affect the bone marrow, the blood cells, the lymph nodes and other parts of the lymphatic system. Each is likely a result of changes to the DNA of a single stem cell.

By the numbers:

* Leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma are expected to account for 9.4 percent of the estimated 1.6-plus million new cancer cases diagnosed in the U.S. this year;

An estimated 1.3 million in the U.S. are living with, or are in remission from, leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma or myeloma.

The immune system is at the center of one area of change.

A major reason blood cancers develop is a failure of the immune system to recognize malignant cells, Brinker said.

He talked about a study of Chimeric Antigen Receptor technology (CAR), at the University of Pennsylvania:

“B-cells are the bad cells in B-lymphocyte leukemias and lymphomas, which are the majority of non-Hodgkin lymphomas and lymphocytic leukemias.

“T-cells are like the military police, they regulate the B-cells.” In some lymphomas and leukemia, malfunctioning T-cells are the evildoers.

“We can put a virus into T-cells in a Petri dish and get them supercharged to specifically fight B-lymphocytes.

“The T-cells are then stimulated to reproduce,” and an army of killer T-cells is re-introduced into the body to destroy the cancer and stick around to take out new threats.

Via Immune system reboot takes center stage | MLive.com


word: vitriolic


Definition: (adjective) Bitterly scathing; caustic.
Synonyms: acid, blistering, venomous, acrid, acerbic, bitter, virulent
Usage: The critic showed no mercy in writing the most vitriolic review of her career. Discuss

Blood Type

Blood Type

Human blood is classified according to the presence or absence of specific markers, called antigens, on the surface of red blood cells. The most commonly encountered blood group system is the ABO system, which classifies blood based on the presence or absence of two antigens, A and B. There are four blood types in this grouping, A, B, AB, and O. Type AB indicates the presence of both antigens and O the absence of both. What do the symbols + and – represent in the classification of blood? More… Discuss

Blood Transfusion

Blood Transfusion

A blood transfusion is the administration of whole blood or a component to counteract blood loss caused by trauma, surgery, or disease. In some cases, whole blood is not needed or is unavailable, so an individual component—plasma, red or white cells, platelets—is used. In whole-blood transfusions, the donor’s blood must be compatible with that of the recipient. Autologous transfusions are those that use the recipient’s own blood, banked in advance. When was the first human blood transfusion? More… Discuss

Blood from Young Improves Memory in Old

Blood from Young Improves Memory in Old

Transfusing the blood plasma of young mice into older mice allowed them to perform better on tests of memory than their peers, suggesting that some factor or factors in the blood of the young can reverse certain aging processes. Researchers are now trying to identify which factors accomplish this and whether similar benefits would be seen in human trials. More… Discuss

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US Blood Banks Changing How They Do Business

In recent years, as economic woes have led people to hold off on elective surgeries and new surgical technologies and techniques have cut down on blood loss in the operating room, the need for blood products in the US has declined. Blood shortages, while not entirely a thing of the past, are becoming fewer and farther between. As such, blood banks are shifting away from their long-standing “collect-as-much-as-you-can” approach in favor of one that is more targeted to specific needs. They are holding fewer drives than in the past and are instead placing greater emphasis on appealing to donors with high-demand blood typesMore…Discuss