Tag Archives: Chernobyl disaster


Nuclear Reactor at Chernobyl Plant Explodes (1986)

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is regarded as the worst nuclear accident in history. Radioactive debris from the disaster drifted across parts of the western Soviet Union and Europe. Large areas of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were badly contaminated, resulting in the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of people and a disputed number of deaths. The incident set off an international outcry over the dangers posed by radioactive emissions. What caused the accident? More… Discuss

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Nuclear Power and Our Future


Gemany nuclear Power Decision in Energy Policy

My take on this:

‘It appear that Germany‘s government learned 100% more from the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, that Japan‘s: An example of learning from others’ experiences, and acting without prejudice, enlightened, selflessly – that”s Germany of course. It goes on to show that some cannot give up their ways, no matter how destructive, even to themselves. It also shows the power of the citizen in making decisions, where decision making cannot be accomplished. I guess it helps to keep politicians accountable.
It is true that plans are just plans, that may never materialize, but al least the intension to commit to reason, to change, to search for a better, superior, civilized way, are their, for history.©’