Tag Archives: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Adoramus Te (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina): a prayer for Ukraine


Adoramus Te (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)

“Adoramus Te” by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Performed by the Crown College Choir, directed by Dr. David W. Donelson.

“Adoramus Te is a stanza that is recited/sung mostly during the Stations of the Cross of the Catholic tradition. It is retained in some confessional Anglican and Lutheran traditions during the Good Friday liturgy, although generally in the vernacular. It is recited or sung between stations. The words in Latin and their translation in English are as follows:

Adoramus te, Christe,
et benedicimus tibi,
quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum.
Qui passus es pro nobis, Domine,
Domine, miserere nobis.

We adore Thee, O Christ,
And we bless Thee,
Who by Thy Holy Cross
hath redeemed the world.”

Ми тебе обожнюю, Христе,
benedicimus ET Тібі,
Quia Туам вашим Святого Хреста redemisti Mundum.
Квай passus є про Нобіс, Domine,
Domine, Miserere NOBIS.

(translated by Google Translate)

Giovanni Palestrina: Tu es Petrus: dedicated to Christians everywhere, free, persecuted and caught in the crossfire of wars they don’t have anything to do with!—My prayers go to you!

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525 – 1594)
Missa Tu es Petrus

[00,01~]1. Palestrina, Motete Tu es Petrus
Palestrina, Missa Tu es Petrus
[03,55~] 2. Kyrie
[08,34~] 3. Gloria
[13,40~] 4. Credo
[22,17~] 5. Sanctus
[24,56~] 6. Benedictus
[28,06~] 7. Agnus Dei I
[30,44~] 8. Agnus Dei II


Make Music Part of Your Life Series: Ave Maria – Palestrina

Make Music Part of Your Life Series:  Ave Maria – Palestrina
The Schola Cantorum Sanctae Caeciliae is a Catholic choral group based in Rhode Island. The group is made up of eight singers, two to each voice range in four part music. 

This is a live recording from a concert given. August 31, 2012 at Our Lady of Good Help Church in Mapleville, RI.

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Make Music Part of Your Life Series: Ensemble Passero – Adoramus te Christe von G.P. da Palestrina (1525-1594)

Adoramus te Christe von G.P. da Palestrina (1525-1594)
gesungen vom Ensemble Passero am 2. März 2013 in der Alten Kapelle zu Regensburg anlässlich des Konzertes “Glaube als Passion – Botschaften Papst Benedikts XVI. in Liedern”


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