Tag Archives: Kübler-Ross model

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, MD- 1926-2004: On Death And Dying

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“The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well.”
– Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

One of the greatest thoughts put on paper, and in into our hands, to understand: read it again and again until the understanding of this simple statement reaches your action center, and then work to meet its goal: allow yourself to leave self-denial  and gilt behind: Love yourself unconditionally and then start loving the world unconditionally. Put aside self-defeating predicaments, and live within the moment, and make amends starting now.

I hope that a visit to Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross foundation website will inspire you, as much as it inspired me, or more, as it is always the right time to find out more about our make, our nature, ourselves. especially the Near Death Experience phenomenon, is a domain of a reality experienced by many people, a life altering experience that help many people feel as if they were reborn, and of a more fulfilling life. Some consider that time as a second birth, The Moment of Enlightenment, of knowing more about the universe, and of their duty to humanity here on Earth


All That Jazz, 1979: There Will Be Some Changes Made

To learn more about the film, please access the following link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_That_Jazz,

And to learn more about the five stages of grieving please access

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross‘ book “on Death and Dying” 1969, and follow her remarkable career, until her death in 2004