Tag Archives: Tall tale

Today’s Birthday: Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Münchhausen (1720)

Joseph Nicolas Pancrace Royer (1705 -1755) -Le Vertigo, Pièces de clavecin (1746)
Fernando de Luca, clavicembalo
Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Münchhausen (1720)

Münchhausen was a German baron who became legendary for his fantastic stories about his adventures as a hunter, sportsman, and soldier. Sent in his youth to serve as a page, he later joined the Russian military and served until 1750, taking part in two campaigns against the Ottoman Turks. Returning home, Münchhausen acquired a reputation as an honest businessman but also as a teller of tall tales. He claimed to have ridden cannonballs, travelled to the moon, and escaped a swamp by doing what? More… Discuss