Tag Archives: Teenagers

E-Cigarette Use Surpasses Smoking Among US Teens

E-Cigarette Use Surpasses Smoking Among US Teens

For the first time, more American teens are using electronic cigarettes than traditional tobacco cigarettes, according to the government’s annual drug use survey of more than 41,000 students. The report released by the National Institutes of Health noted that between 4 percent and 7 percent of students who reported trying e-cigarettes said they had never smoked a tobacco cigarette. Health officials have expressed concern about the trend, especially since 10 states allow e-cigarettes to be sold to minors. More… Discuss

today’s holiday: Chester Greenwood Day

Chester Greenwood Day

Chester Greenwood (1858-1937) made his first pair of “ear protectors” when he was 15 years old. He was granted a patent in 1877 and established an entirely new industry in his hometown of Farmington, Maine, where he continued to refine the design and manufacture of what we now know as earmuffs. Farmington residents celebrate Chester Greenwood Day on the first Saturday in December (Greenwood was born on December 4) with a parade, flag-raising ceremony, and a foot race. Everyone is encouraged to wear earmuffs for the festivities, including pets. More… Discuss

Teen Use of Human Growth Hormone on Rise in US

Teen Use of Human Growth Hormone on Rise in US

American teens are increasingly using synthetic human growth hormone (HGH) without medical supervision in an effort to enhance their athletic performance and appearance. Just five percent of high-school students polled in 2012 said they had used synthetic HGH without a prescription, but by 2013 that number had jumped to 11 percent. The non-profit Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, which carried out the surveys, said the findings highlight the need for better regulation and labeling of over-the-counter products purporting to contain synthetic HGH. More… Discuss

Test Identifies Potential Binge Drinkers

Test Identifies Potential Binge Drinkers

Many teens see binge drinking as a harmless bit of fun, not realizing the jeopardy they put themselves in each time they get “wasted,” but scientists do, and so they have invested considerable resources in developing ways to identify those youths at risk of engaging in binge drinking. A newly developed test that evaluates 40 factors, including brain structure, personality, and life experience, was able to predict with 70 percent accuracy which 14-year-olds would go on to binge drink at 16. The test is not accurate enough to be applied on an individual basis, but it could, for example, help weed out the 200 most at-risk teens from a group of 1,000. More… Discuss


Energy Drinks and Teens

If your teen frequently consumes energy drinks, this could be a red flag that he or she engages in other risky behaviors. A Canadian study found that high school students who reported a higher frequency of energy drink use were more likely to also feel depressed, engage in risk-taking behaviors, drink alcohol, and use drugs. Energy drinks’ marketing campaigns may be somewhat to blame for the association, as they are designed make the products seem extreme and exciting. This likely increases their appeal to young people, especially those already prone to sensation seekingMore… Discuss


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