Tag Archives: thomas cromwell



Henry V

Determined to regain the lands in France once held by his ancestors, King Henry V of England rekindled the Hundred Years’ War and all but conquered France. His continuing victories—including his stunning success at the Battle of Agincourt—forced the French to sign a 1420 treaty naming him heir to the throne. However, he died two months before the French king and thus did not inherit the crown. At 16, Henry was shot in the face with an arrow. How did his physician remove it and save his life? More…Discuss


Today’s in History: THOMAS CROMWELL IS EXECUTED (1540)

Thomas Cromwell Is Executed (1540)

Arguably the architect of the Reformation, Cromwell was an English statesman who gained nearly complete control of the government as the closest advisor of King Henry VIII of England. Cromwell abused his power but only fell from Henry’s favor after convincing him to marry Anne of Cleves, whom Henry found unattractive. After the marriage fizzled, Anne was sent away with a generous pension, but Cromwell was beheaded—on the same day that Henry did what?  More…