Antibiotic Resistance Is Global Threat

Antibiotic Resistance Is Global Threat

The “post-antibiotic era” is bearing down on us, and if we do not make some changes soon, it will only be a matter of time before antibiotics are powerless to protect us from diseases that have been treatable for decades. World Health Organization (WHO) data reveal that antibiotic-resistan t bacteria are now apparent in “every region of the world,” posing a major threat to public health. The WHO is urging governments around the globe to prioritize the development of new lines of antibiotics while at the same time taking steps to slow the progression of resistance. More… Discuss

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3 responses to “Antibiotic Resistance Is Global Threat

  1. Pingback: Resistance to antibiotics poses a “major global threat” to public health, says a new report by the World Health Organization (WHO). | Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News

  2. We talk about this all the time in the micro class I teach.


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