Sisyphus Dreaming, by george-b (my Poetic Thought)

Sisyphus Dreaming, by george-b

Somewhere, between a dream and a rock,  
I Am:

The dream’s  the stronger rock – the rock is talcum…
The dream’s  much easier to push uphill…
The talcum rock is sliding back into Abyss, each time

It Seems:

Will same dream come to me  tomorrow?

© 2012, poem, George-B, All rights reserved

2 responses to “Sisyphus Dreaming, by george-b (my Poetic Thought)

  1. You speak for all of us. ❤


    • Thanks Louise: Sometimes, even on a Thursday, you gotta, let, it, all, OUT!

      i’m glad you felt part of the audience, the first to notice it, and comment.

      Thank you very much!


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