this pressed: Modern martyrs are massacred by ‘corrupt people who hate Jesus’ :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Pope Francis celebrates Thanksgiving Mass for Canadian Saints François of Laval and Marie of the Incarnation on Oct. 12, 2014. Credit: Lauren Cater/CNA.

Pope Francis celebrates Thanksgiving Mass for Canadian Saints François of Laval and Marie of the Incarnation on Oct. 12, 2014. Credit: Lauren Cater/CNA.

by Elise Harris

Vatican City, Feb 6, 2015 / 07:55 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his homily on Friday Pope Francis said that he is moved whenever he thinks of the many Christians killed for their faith, and encouraged faithful to remember them and their courageous witness.

“I think of our martyrs, the martyrs of our times, men, women, children who are being persecuted, hated, driven out of their homes, tortured, massacred,” the Pope told attendees of his Feb. 6 Mass, held in the chapel of the Vatican’s Saint Martha guesthouse.

This martyrdom, he said, “is not a thing of the past: this is happening right now. Our martyrs, who are meeting their end under the authority of corrupt people who hate Jesus Christ.”

via Modern martyrs are massacred by ‘corrupt people who hate Jesus’ :: Catholic News Agency (CNA).

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