Daily Archives: October 19, 2019

Horoscope♉: 10/19/2019


Trips will likely be mired in mechanical difficulties and delays of all types. You’ll get to your destination eventually, but you’re going to have to be patient. If you’re heading to the airport, be sure to bring a book – a long one – to make the wait more bearable. If you’re just heading across town, bring along your favorite music to keep your spirits up.: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Today’s Holiday: Kenyatta Day

Today’s Holiday:
Kenyatta Day

In Kenya, October 20 is a national holiday. It was on this day in 1952 that Jomo Kenyatta was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison. He was accused of being involved with the Mau Mau movement, a group that fought against British rule. It was later found that Kenyatta had not been involved. On this day, a ceremony takes place at Nyayo Stadium in Nairobi. The president addresses the nation and inspects the guard of honor. The ceremony includes a military parade, and singers and traditional dancers from around the country provide entertainment for the crowds. More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Today’s Birthday: Arthur “Art” Buchwald (1925)

Today’s Birthday:
Arthur “Art” Buchwald (1925)

Buchwald was an American humorist who started as a columnist covering the lighter side of Parisian life. After moving to Washington, DC, in 1961, he began poking fun at issues in the news and soon became one of the sharpest satirists of American politics and modern life. His syndicated column of wry humor eventually appeared in more than 500 papers worldwide, and he was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his work in 1982. What was unusual about his video obituary featured by The New York Times? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

This Day in History: Jacqueline Kennedy Weds Aristotle Onassis (1968)

This Day in History:
Jacqueline Kennedy Weds Aristotle Onassis (1968)

Jacqueline Bouvier married future US President John F. Kennedy in 1953. As first lady, she promoted the arts, history, and high style. After Kennedy’s assassination, her stoic behavior enhanced her standing with the public, but she stunned the world in 1968 when she married Greek millionaire shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis. For a time, she was the world’s premier celebrity, but after Onassis’s death in 1975, she returned to New York, where she got a job doing what? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Quote of the Day: Jane Austen

Quote of the Day:
Jane Austen

There is something so amiable in the prejudices of a young mind, that one is sorry to see them give way to the reception of more general opinions. More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Article of the Day: Portrait of Madame X

Article of the Day:
Portrait of Madame X

American painter John Singer Sargent, at one time the world’s most famous and highly paid portrait painter, is best known for his portraits of American and English social celebrities. In 1884, before he had achieved acclaim, a scandal erupted when he exhibited Portrait of Madame X in Paris. In it, socialite Madame Gautreau is shown wearing a low-cut gown that critics deemed erotic. Paris was offended, Gautreau refused the painting, and Sargent moved to London. Where is the painting today? More…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Idiom of the Day: Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

Idiom of the Day:
Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

cliché Do not be in further contact with us regarding your application/submission/inquiry/etc., we will contact you if we wish to proceed further (generally meaning that no such contact is to be expected). Watch the video…: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Word of the Day: lectern

Word of the Day:

Definition: (noun) Desk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a text at the proper height for a lecturer.

Synonyms: reading desk

Usage: On the small rock platform stood an old bronze lectern or reading-stand, groaning under a great German Bible.: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tfd.mobile.TfdSearch

Haiku: Roberta Flack (© poetic thought by GeorgeB @ euzicasa)

Haiku: Roberta Flack

(© poetic thought by GeorgeB @ euzicasa)

Killing me softly

with her voice, like the wind

In the dry corn, rows.

Watch “Roberta Flack – Killing Me Softly” on YouTube

Haiku: New, old, always ONE (© poetic thought by GeorgeB @ euzicasa)

Haiku: New, old, always ONE

(© poetic thought by GeorgeB @ euzicasa)

New, old, always ONE:

Days of our lives spent, spilled, shelved.

Shelf after shelf: ONE.

Unpainting…a perfectly painted tableau ( ©poetic thought by GeorgeB @euzicasa)

Unpainting…a perfectly painted tableau

( ©poetic thought by GeorgeB @euzicasa)

Everyday I…I efface another color

of my perfectly painted tableau,

accomplishment of the day past…

I aim for a unicolor, a pure black or white, I can’t make up my mind…

So, every morning, seated at my easel, I use the widest paintbrush, and chose, today will be white over black, to cover the painting behind, to hide yesternight hard work, to start anew,

a new memory, painted over an older one,

no holidays,


only Monday Mornings,


in perpetuity,

forever Amen!

Haiku: Nights (poetic thought by GeorgeB)

Haiku: Night(© poetic thought by GeorgeB @ euzicasa)

Nights get much longer

Than days, year in and out.

Will it ever stop?


Note: I do not speak Japanese, therefore I had Google Translate di the translation for me (from English to Japanese). Please correct, if you find it unnecessary!
Thank you!

Haiku | Academy of American Poets


Haiku | Academy of American Poets

Haiku | Academy of American Poets

Introducing Haiku Poets and Topics . . . . . WKD: Takeshita Shizunojo (find also the widget/shortcut to Haiku, on the right side of EUZICASA Page…quite easy I think!)




Takeshita Shizunojo

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .

Takeshita Shizunojo 竹下しづの女 (1887 – 1951)

Born in Fukuoka. Married and had two boys and 3 girls. While bringing up
the kids she wrote haiku. Her teachers were 吉岡禅寺洞 Yoshioka Zenjido and
高浜虚子 Takahama Kyoshi.

She became a member of ホトトギス Hototogisu in 1928.

It was the golden age of Female Haiku Writers. 女流黄金時代 杉田久女・長谷川かな女

One of her best-known haiku
this short night –

shall I throw away my baby

crying for milk ?
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Far Beyond the Field: Haiku by Japanese Women

edited by Makoto Ueda

Takeshita Shizunojo was one of the few women haiku poets to appear in
the early years of modern Japan. Wives, at that time, were responsible
for nearly all domestic matters. With a husband and five children, home
life was extremely busy and oppressive for her.”, . . . . .

– source : books.google.co.jp –
Japanese Women Poets: An Anthology: An Anthology

Hiroaki Sato

….. on the spring lawn Takeshita Shizunojo (1887–1951) A member of
Hototogisu, Takeshita Shizunojo formed the Students Haiku Association

– source : books.google.co.jp –

– quote –

Takeshita Shizunojo (jap. 竹下 しづの女;

* 19. März 1887 in Yukuhashi; † 3. August 1951 in Fukuoka),

eigentlich Takeshita Shizuno (竹下 静廼), war eine japanische Haiku-Dichterin der Vorkriegszeit.


Takeshita Shizunojo wurde am 19. März 1887 als erste Tochter des
Dorfschulzen Takeshita Hōkichi (竹下 宝吉) und dessen Frau Fuji (フジ) im Dorf
Hieda (heute ein Teil der Stadt Yukuhashi), Präfektur Fukuoka geboren.

Aufgrund der Stellung ihres Vaters erhielt sie eine gute Erziehung.
1903, 16-jährig, besuchte sie die pädagogische Frauenlehranstalt in
Fukuoka und wurde dort von Suematsu Bōyasu (末松房泰) in Prosa-Literatur,
japanischen Waka und chinesischer Dichtung unterwiesen.

Nach ihrem Abschluss wurde sie nach Station an der Kubo-Grundschule in
der Provinz Miyako und der Hieda-Grundschule schließlich an der
Kokura-Pädagogikschule Hilfslehrerin.

Im Jahre 1912, als sie 25 Jahre alt war, heiratete sie Mizuguchi Hanzō
(水口伴蔵), der zugleich in die Familie Takeshita aufgenommen wurde, und
zog nach Fukuoka, wo ihr Mann Hanzō an der Landwirtschaftsschule als
Lehrer beschäftigt war. Sie schenkte fünf Kindern, zwei Söhnen und drei
Töchtern, das Leben.

1919, als sie 32 Jahre alt war, begann sie, Haiku zu schreiben, und
wurde von Yoshioka Zenjidō (吉岡 禅寺洞), dem Herausgeber der Zeitschrift
Amanogawa (天の川, dt. „Milchstraße“, wörtl. „Himmelsfluss“) unterwiesen.
Später wurde sie die Schülerin von Takahama Kyoshi und als neues
Mitglied im Kreis der Haiku-Zeitschrift Hototogisu vorgeschlagen und

1933, als Shizunojo 46 Jahre alt war, verstarb Hanzō plötzlich an einer
Gehirnblutung, woraufhin sie ihre Kinder als Bibliothekarin in der
Präfekturbibliothek versorgte. Nach dem Verlust ihres Mannes widmete sie
sich mehr noch als zuvor der Haiku-Dichtung.

1937 leitete sie die von ihrem ältesten Sohn Yoshinobu (吉信) während
dessen Schulzeit ins Leben gerufene Zeitschrift Seisōken (成層圏, dt.
„Stratosphäre“). Später nahm auch Nakamura Kusatao an der Leitung der Zeitschrift teil, die Kaneko Tōta und andere große Talente auf den Weg brachte.

Im 14. August 1945, als der Zweite Weltkrieg auch für Kaiserreich Japan
mit einer Niederlage endete, starb Yoshinobu im jungen Alter von 31
Jahren an Tuberkulose. Shizunojo war zu diesem Zeitpunkt 58 Jahre alt.

Zudem verlor sie einen großen Teil der Felder, die sie von ihrem
Großvater geerbt hatte, durch Bodenreformen. Um das noch verbleibende
Land, das etwa fünf Hektar umfasste, zu bewahren, errichtete sie eine
kleine Hütte auf dem Feld und widmete sich dem Reisanbau. Den geernteten
Reis sandte sie ihren Kindern nach Fukuoka und kümmerte sich zugleich
um ihre altersschwache Mutter.

1949 begann sie, die Haiku-Gemeinschaft der Universität Kyūshū zu
leiten, eine Tätigkeit, die sie bis zuletzt fortführte. Sie starb am 3.
August 1951, 64 Jahre alt, im Universitätskrankenhaus von Kyūshū infolge
der Verschlechterung einer Nierenkrankheit, das der sie bereits lange
Jahre gelitten hatte.

Ihre letzte Ruhe fand sie bei ihrem Ehemann und ihrem ältesten Sohn. Auf
dem Grabstein sind die Worte Ryokuin ya (緑陰や, dt. „Oh, der Schatten des
Grüns“) zu lesen.

– source : wikiwand.com/de –



jinken no torioigasa no shuke no himo
the vermillion cord

from artificial silk

of the Bird-Chasing straw hat
Tr. Gabi Greve
. tori oi (tori-oi) 鳥追 Torioi “Chasing away the birds” .


kakizome ya osana oboe no manyooka
first calligraphy writing –

a poem of the Manyo-Shu

from my childhood memory
Tr. Gabi Greve
. kakizome 書初め first calligraphy of the year.

On January 2, people take the brush for the first time in the New Year.


kosaku sogi ni kakawari mo naku ine to naru

with the tenant farmers’ dispute

rice plants have grown

– source : Shaanik Nomad –


Japanese Reference

竹下 しづの女
Related words

***** Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets 

– #haikupoet –


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