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Johnny Cash – When The Man Comes Around

Johnny Cash – When The Man Comes Around ((Original Version))

this pressed: Argentina’s Senate passes bill to expel foreigners caught breaking the law

Argentina‘s Senate passes bill to expel foreigners caught breaking the law

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – Argentina’s Senate has passed a bill to expel foreigners caught breaking the law.

Senators approved the legislation 39-24 on Wednesday.

The bill backed by President Cristina Fernandez is expected to be passed by the lower house as well and turned into law. Fernandez has said there is a growing number of foreigners entering Argentina to commit crimes.

Under the bill, foreigners caught breaking the law can be immediately expelled from Argentina and banned from returning for at least five years. Foreign-born people with legal residence can ask to remain in Argentina to serve out their sentence for the crime.

Argentines are growing increasingly worried about rising crime in their country.

Rights groups say foreigners represent a fraction of law breakers and say the proposed law could leave to unfair treatment.

via Argentina’s Senate passes bill to expel foreigners caught breaking the law.