Tag Archives: Davis

Saint of the Day for Wednesday, November 26th, 2014: Berchmans

Image of St. John Berchmans   St. John Berchmans

Eldest son of a shoemaker, John was born at Diest, Brabant. He early wanted to be a priest, and when thirteen became a servant in the household of one of the Cathedral canons at Malines, John … continue reading

More Saints of the Day

Former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper on Paramilitary Policing From WTO to Occupy Wall Street

Former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper on Paramilitary Policing From WTO to Occupy Wall Street
Former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper on Paramilitary Policing From WTO to Occupy Wall Street (click here to find out more about this topic)

It is interesting to revisit, the statements made by the official in charge of riot suppression, in the light of the US Davis campus abuse of children rights to petition for social, political and economical justice in the United States, rights not only violated, but to which there are no dialogue, concessions, discussion, as if we, the citizens are not represented by anybody. The actions of the Campus police of the Uc Davis, is clear declaration of the mindset of the officials regarding the petition for justice.

UC-Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi Denies Resignation, Says the ‘University Needs Me’

UC-Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi Denies Resignation, Says the 'University Needs Me'
UC-Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi Denies Resignation, Says the ‘University Needs Me’ (click to view this outrageos response)

Katehi was born in Athens and grew up on Salamis Island in Greece. She received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1977. She came to the United States in 1979, then earned a master’s degree and doctorate in electrical engineering at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, in 1981 and 1984, respectively.[2]

Her work in electronic circuit design has led to numerous national and international awards both as a technical leader and educator, 19 U.S. patents, and an additional five U.S. patent applications. She is the author or co-author of 10 book chapters and about 650 refereed publications in journals and symposia proceedings.[3] A member of the National Academy of Engineering, she chaired until 2010 the President’s Committee for the National Medal of Science and the Secretary of Commerce’s committee for the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. She is a fellow and board member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of other national boards and committees.[4] In April 2011, Katehi was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[5]

Before coming to UC Davis, Katehi served as provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; the John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering and professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University; and associate dean for academic affairs and graduate education in the College of Engineering and professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan.

Katehi has mentored more than 70 postdoctoral fellows, doctoral and master’s students in electrical and computer engineering. Twenty-two of the 44 doctoral students who graduated under her supervision have become faculty members at research universities in the United States and abroad.

University of California, Davis

Katehi was appointed Chancellor by the University of California Board of Regentson May 7, 2009, effective August 17, 2009. She holds… (source:

Katehi was born in Athens and grew up on Salamis Island in Greece. She received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1977. She came to the United States in 1979, then earned a master’s degree and doctorate in electrical engineering at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, in 1981 and 1984, respectively.[2]

Her work in electronic circuit design has led to numerous national and international awards both as a technical leader and educator, 19 U.S. patents, and an additional five U.S. patent applications. She is the author or co-author of 10 book chapters and about 650 refereed publications in journals and symposia proceedings.[3] A member of the National Academy of Engineering, she chaired until 2010 the President’s Committee for the National Medal of Science and the Secretary of Commerce’s committee for the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. She is a fellow and board member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of other national boards and committees.[4] In April 2011, Katehi was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[5]

Before coming to UC Davis, Katehi served as provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; the John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering and professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University; and associate dean for academic affairs and graduate education in the College of Engineering and professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan.

Katehi has mentored more than 70 postdoctoral fellows, doctoral and master’s students in electrical and computer engineering. Twenty-two of the 44 doctoral students who graduated under her supervision have become faculty members at research universities in the United States and abroad.

University of California, Davis

Katehi was appointed Chancellor by the University of California Board of Regentson May 7, 2009, effective August 17, 2009. She holds… (

Katehi was born in Athens and grew up on Salamis Island in Greece. She received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1977. She came to the United States in 1979, then earned a master’s degree and doctorate in electrical engineering at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California, Los Angeles, in 1981 and 1984, respectively.[2]

Her work in electronic circuit design has led to numerous national and international awards both as a technical leader and educator, 19 U.S. patents, and an additional five U.S. patent applications. She is the author or co-author of 10 book chapters and about 650 refereed publications in journals and symposia proceedings.[3] A member of the National Academy of Engineering, she chaired until 2010 the President’s Committee for the National Medal of Science and the Secretary of Commerce’s committee for the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. She is a fellow and board member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of other national boards and committees.[4] In April 2011, Katehi was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[5]

Before coming to UC Davis, Katehi served as provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; the John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering and professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University; and associate dean for academic affairs and graduate education in the College of Engineering and professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan.

Katehi has mentored more than 70 postdoctoral fellows, doctoral and master’s students in electrical and computer engineering. Twenty-two of the 44 doctoral students who graduated under her supervision have become faculty members at research universities in the United States and abroad.

University of California, Davis

Katehi was appointed Chancellor by the University of California Board of Regents on May 7, 2009, effective August 17, 2009. She holds…

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_P.B._Katehi)

UC Davis will probe use of pepper-spray on student protesters (from KTLA TV) Do you want to see police brutality? Here is one example, just click on the picture)

UC Davis will probe use of pepper-spray on student protesters (from KTLA TV)

UC Davis will probe use of pepper-spray on student protesters (from KTLA TV) Do you want to see police brutality? Here is one example, just click here)

From KTLA: “As indicated in various videos, the police used pepper spray against the students who were blocking the way,” she said. “The use of pepper spray as shown on the video is chilling to us all and raises many questions about how best to handle situations like this.”

Student protesters at Davis had set up an encampment in the university’s quad area earlier this month as part of the nationwide Occupy movement against economic inequality and excesses of the financial system.

Their demonstrations, which had been endorsed by a faculty association, included protests against tuition increases and what they viewed as police brutality on University of California campuses in response to recent protests.

The students had set up roughly 25 tents in a quad area, but they had been asked not to stay overnight and were told they would not be able to stay during the weekend, due to a lack of university resources, Katehi said.

Some protesters took their tents down voluntarily while others stayed. The pepper spray incident appeared to take place on Friday afternoon, when campus police moved in to forcibly evict the protesters.

Katehi said on Friday she was “saddened” by the manner in which protesters were removed from the quad, and on Saturday announced a task force of faculty, students and staff to investigate the incident.
(Source: http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/sns-rt-us-protests-davis-pepperspraytre7ai0za-20111119,0,372487.story)

My take on it: Economical Inequality is inequality to life. And is a fundamental human right, guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of  Human Rights. Read more about it, and find out what are your rights, guaranteed by the Organization of the United Nations at: http://www.hrweb.org/legal/undocs.html