Tag Archives: Illegal drug trade

War on Drugs in U.S. Partly to Blame for Deforestation of Central American Rainforests

WarWar on Drugs in U.S. Partly to Blame for Deforestation of Central American Rainforests.


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Cocaine Smugglers Go Bananas

Drug traffickers in Germany are having a very, very bad week. They managed to lose about 8.2 million dollars (6 million euros) worth of cocaine as a result of what appears to have been a “logistical error.” The drugs were smuggled into the country from Colombia in a shipment of bananas, but somehow the smugglers failed to retrieve their stash before the fruit was delivered to supermarkets. When employees at five Berlin shops went to unpack the banana cartons, they got an unexpected surprise in the form of 309 lb (140 kg) of cocaine. The drugs are now in the hands of the authorities.More… Discuss


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This Day in the Yesteryear: DAY OF THE COLOMBIAN WOMAN (1967)

Day of the Colombian Woman (1967)

Not much is definitively known about Policarpa Salavarrieta‘s early years. Even her name is subject to conjecture. What is undisputed—and secured her a place in the annals of Colombian history and, in 1967, a day commemorating her heroism—is that she sacrificed her life trying to secure Colombia’s independence; she was executed on November 14, 1817, for her activities on behalf of the revolution. Aside from the day of remembrance, what other honors has the Colombian government accorded her? More… Discuss