Tag Archives: Las Vegas

RIP B. B. King – Rock Me, Baby (50+ videos Mix – B. B. King – Rock Me, Baby)





B. B. King – Rock Me, Baby



RIP: “The Thrill Is Gone” BB King

Thrill of a Lifetime (album)

Thrill of a Lifetime (album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pilots Exposed to Increased Skin Cancer Risk

Pilots Exposed to Increased Skin Cancer Risk

Piloting a prop plane at 30,000 feet for an hour exposes pilots to as much ultraviolet radiation as 20 minutes in a tanning bed, according to a new study. A dermatologic research team at Mount Zion Cancer Research Center at the University of California, San Francisco, reports that the incidence of melanoma among pilots and their crews is about twice that of the general population. As part of the study, the researchers tested an airplane windshield and found that it only protected against UV-B radiation, not UV-A radiation, which penetrates skin more deeply. More… Discuss

Obama Shrugs Off Criticism on Immigration from House Republicans

11-23-14 Obama Immigration

U.S. President Barack Obama pauses while speaking about immigration reform during a visit to Del Sol High School in Las Vegas, Nevada November 21, 2014. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters


Obama Shrugs Off Criticism on Immigration from House Republicans

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama shrugged off criticism of his executive action on immigration with a challenge to House of Representatives Republicans: if you don’t like it, do something.

Obama was asked in an interview broadcast on Sunday about House Speaker John Boehner‘s assertion that he was acting like an emperor in using executive powers to tackle the issue of the 11 million immigrants living in America without documents.

“Well, my response is pass a bill,” Obama said in the interview with ABC’s “This Week,” which was taped on Friday. “Congress has a responsibility to deal with these issues and there are some things that I can’t do on my own.”

Obama announced on Thursday he was easing the threat of deportation for millions of undocumented immigrants. His measures include allowing some 4.4 million people who are parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents and who have been in the country for five years to remain in the country temporarily, with the right to work.

In the ABC interview, Obama, who has long said he preferred legislation to unilateral action, cited a bipartisan immigration bill passed by the U.S. Senate last year and urged the House to take it up.

via Obama Shrugs Off Criticism on Immigration from House Republicans.

today’s birthday: Bernie Ecclestone (1930)

Bernie Ecclestone (1930)

Ecclestone is a controversial British business magnate and one of the most powerful people in the world of Formula One (F1) racing. Briefly a racer, he gave up the sport after several accidents but later returned as a manager and team owner. In the 1970s, he secured his position in the F1 organization by negotiating TV broadcasting rights, vastly increasing the sport’s popularity. In 2004, the billionaire’s home became the most expensive ever sold when a steel magnate bought it for how much? More… Discuss

The MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas (watch youtube video)

The MGM Grand Hotel

One of the largest hotels on Earth, the MGM Grand opened in Las Vegas, Nevada, in 1993. It had a very different look then than it does today, originally boasting an extensive Wizard of Oz theme that has since been scrapped in favor of an Art Deco motif. The complex also included a theme park, which was meant to make the Vegas Strip more family friendly, but it performed poorly and was closed in 2000. Why did many Chinese patrons avoid the MGM Grand’s main entrance prior to its redesign? More… Discuss

MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas