Tag Archives: Shiva

Sun Salutations Intermediate Yoga Class 49mins, Yoga Stories 2, Guru Mantra, Namaste Yoga 233


Sun Salutations Intermediate Yoga Class 49mins, Yoga Stories 2, GuruMantra, Namaste Yoga 233

Published on Jun 27, 2014

For show notes click on the link above

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Props Needed: Meditation Cushion or Blanket, Bolster or Wall,

Yoga Asanas/Postures: Alternate Nostril breathing with breath retention/Nadi Sodhana, Surya Namaskar/Sun Salutations, Reclined Hero Pose/Supta Virasana, Apanasana/Knee to Chest Pose, Supta Matsyendrasana/Crocodile Twist


The second class in our yoga stories series is the guru mantra. This mantra also focuses on the Hindu God‘s Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Today we will focus on how these gurus of creation, preservation and destruction show up in all areas of our lives. We will reflect back on our own experiences as see how each challenge in our life is an opportunity to learn.

Today’s yoga class will explore mantra and pranayama/breath practice as an opportunity to explore the gurus Braham, Vishnu and Shiva (creation, preservation and destruction). We will also explore these aspects through sun salutation/surya namaskar (creation), reclined hero pose/supta virasana (preservation) and poses for letting go (destruction).


The Lingam

The lingam is a Hindu symbol of the god Shiva and of generative power. Fashioned from wood, gems, metal, or stone, lingams are common in family shrines throughout India. Historically, the lingam was a representation of the phallus, and a sexual dimension is apparent today as the yoni—symbol of the female sex organ—often forms the base of the lingam to emphasize the male and female aspects of existence. What did British missionary William Ward say about lingams in his 1815 book? More…


Enhanced by Zemanta



Kamadeva is the Hindu deity of human love—similar to Eros and Cupid in the Greek and Roman traditions. Kama is celebrated in the colorful and boisterous spring festival called Holi. In the Vedic age, Kama personified cosmic desire or the creative impulse. He was later depicted as a handsome youth attended by heavenly nymphs, who shot love-producing flower arrows from a sugarcane bow. Despite his harmless appearance, Kama once so enraged Shiva that the great god incinerated him. What had he done? More… Discuss