Tag Archives: thought

word: pusillanimous


Definition: (adjective) Lacking courage; cowardly.
Synonyms: spineless, craven
Usage: Why, you pusillanimous piece of dirt, you’d run with your tail between your legs if I said boo! Discuss.

Shocking Boredom Study

Shocking Boredom Study

Fifteen minutes may not seem like a terribly long time, but when left alone with just one’s thoughts for company, it is apparently unbearable, and many would sooner shock themselves than endure it. Nearly half of the participants in a recent study—18 of 42—elected to administer at least one mildly painful electric shock to themselves at some point during a 15-minute period in which they were left alone in an empty room and asked to sit at a table “entertaining themselves with their own thoughts.” Though some have criticized the study’s design, the researchers concluded that, on the whole, people prefer doing something, even something unpleasant, to doing nothing at all. More… Discuss

facebook, poetic thought by George-B (the smudge and other poems)

facebook, poetic thought by George-B

To like or not to like:
That is today’s question:
Facebook plays with my feelings of liking and disliking,
but you know that,
it’s all over the news…the betrayal of trust of confidence,
of the most basic relationship…among people:
Fairness, not taking advantage of each other,
as a tool to make yourself rich (and make another poor)
But then you knew there is nothing sincere about facebook, that some made into faithbook: big mistake, big, big mistake)

need: to return ethics to the world!

Just a Thought: “There is nothing democratic about Hypocrisy”

Just a Thought:  “There is nothing democratic about Hypocrisy”