Tag Archives: Traffic collision

today’s birthday: Diana, Princess of Wales (1961)

Diana, Princess of Wales (1961)

From the time she became engaged to Prince Charles in 1981 until her death in a car accident in 1997, Diana was arguably the most famous woman in the world. A dedicated humanitarian, she campaigned against the use of landmines and called attention to the plight of AIDS victims. She also spoke publicly about her struggles with depression and bulimia. Her openness endeared her to many and stood in contrast to the traditional image of the royal family. Where did Diana work before marrying Charles? More… Discuss

Pregnancy Linked to Elevated Crash Risk

Pregnancy Linked to Elevated Crash Risk

Pregnant women may want to keep off the roads after learning this statistic: women in their second trimester are 42 percent more likely to be involved in a car crash that sends them to the hospital than they were prior to becoming pregnant. Why this is remains to be determined, but researchers suspect that the physical effects of pregnancy at this stage—fatigue, nausea, anxiety, mood fluctuations—can lead to distractedness behind the wheel. More… Discuss

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This Day in History: Death of Diana, Princess of Wales (1997)

Death of Diana, Princess of Wales (1997)

Diana‘s beauty and unprecedented popularity as a member of the royal family attracted intense press attention, and she became one of the most photographed women in the world. After her divorce from Prince Charles in 1996, she remained highly visible and continued her activities on behalf of numerous charities. In 1997, she was killed in a car crash in Paris, along with her companion, Dodi al-Fayed, and their driver. Who was blamed for the accident in subsequent investigations? More… Discuss